I guess I'm trying to say I never realized how few people can read drawings until this project came out. All the "OH MY GOD IT LOOKS SO MUCH BIGGER IN REAL LIFE" comments are laughable to someone who has been reading drawings for many, many years.
It looks just like the drawings to me. I went through my "dang this is a big boy" state of awe the first time I rolled the drawings out.
How many people on hear have had the chance to "roll out the drawings"? Also, if you are used to reading drawings, then what it looks like in real life should be of no surprise. But drawings, or renderings for that matter, don't give you the same perspective as looking through your own eyes with your natural peripheral vision of the landscape around you. Now, if you look at the drawings and then go stand next to, say, the MSC and face Kyle Field, you should be able to visualize it. We don't all get to do that.