I don't see a problem with being able to play games there this coming season, but they will not be done and sitting there twiddling their thumbs waiting for the season to be over. They will be working through the season.
Correct. This has always been the plan. With that bring said, I'm quite sure they are trying to have some things finished for the beginning of the season. Thy obviously need the south end zone usable by the first game. Since there really isn't any exterior to the south end zone, I'd imagine they will be finished by kickoff. Expect the entire east side exterior to be complete. Also, they'll have both of the east side towers done. I'm still unsure about the south west tower though, and I would not be surprised if this is something they are working on during the season. Also, I imagine they'll try to make sure the canopy is completed by kickoff. Depending on how much work they do during the season, we could also see the beginning of the north west tower (possibly not, depending on if it's possible before demolition of the west side) and if they really wanna get moving, the exterior of the zone. However, I don't see them working on the zone for sake of appearance, but it's possible. I'm sure I'm forgetting some parts, and there's also loads of smaller stuff I have no idea about, but expect them to be busy until the entire thing is done