Going to smell terrible too once the birds and bats get all cozy.
SO much worry about SO much minutia!
It is not symmetric!
The field is NOT centered about the student decks!
The jumbotron is too big!
The North EZ first deck and the new east side first deck do not line up!
The tunnels on the SEZ do not match those on the NEZ!
What else is causing underwear twisting to take place??
Wow, that's going to be a lot of exposed steel visible.
"In the thuccethful organithation, no detail is too thmall to ethcape close attention."
Lou Holth
Wow, that's going to be a lot of exposed steel visible.
are the edges of the south zone not going to be as tall as the middle? I thought they were going to continue extending it at some point, in the renderings it is all the same height except for the parts right next to the east and west ends.
Something has gone horribly wrong with the steel structure of the SEZ.
I also want to say that today was the first that I have been able to see Kyle in person since the renovations (living two states over has it's downsides) and as great as all the pictures McG and everyone else have been posting are, nothing quite does it justice like seeing it in person and taking a lap around the entire field
Wow this facade thing is really important to some!! Seriously who the **** cares...it has not impact on the inside Kyle product...none...ever...it funny how frothy with indignation so e get over this trivial matter!
Where are they going to put a tree on top? Does that go up whenever the last beam is set?
Took some pictures after the baseball game today...
[This message has been edited by astroag08 (edited 5/17/2014 9:18p).]
Where are they going to put a tree on top? Does that go up whenever the last beam is set?
Not sure where, but yes it's after the last beam. It's called topping out.
Wow this facade thing is really important to some!! Seriously who the **** cares...it has not impact on the inside Kyle product...none...ever...it funny how frothy with indignation so e get over this trivial matter!