This is Bill's quote from this week's Wednesday report.
Now tell me what you get out of Byrne's statement. It reads to me that you'll have to have a PPV game finished before 11am or not start till 10pm, so as to avoid conflict with any other televised Big 12 game.
Here are Big 12 some of the Big 12 PPV games from this year that prove this isn't true.
Aug 30 - W.Mi @ Neb; Chat @ OU and FL Atl @ tu all PPV at 6pm conflicts with IL @ MO at 7:30 on ESPN
Obviously there is a 1/2 a game overlap here.
Sept 6 - SE MO @ MO on PPV at 6pm conflicts with A&M @ NM at 4pm on Versus (1/2 game) AND!! LA Tech @ KS on FSN at 6pm (conflicts the entire game!!!) as well as MT st @ KSU on FCS also at 6pm.
Sept 13 - NM st @ Neb on PPV at 6pm conflicts with SMU @ Tech on FSSW at 6pm (conflicts the entire game) and with OU @ WA on ESPN at 6:45.
I tend not to trust someone when they mislead me.
I have no issue with Bill saying we will lose more in ticket sales than we will gain in PPV revenue if he can prove it, but I do have issue with him saying we can't do PPV because the only available times would be at breakfast or at 10pm or longer (insuation from his midnight snack comment).
Maybe nobody else cares that our AD makes misleading or outright false statements to us, but I do. And I wanted to point this out in case some of your weren't aware of Bill's public statements.
One issue involves possible start times because a pay per view game must happen outside of the other Big 12 games being televised. Next week, Big 12 games are being televised at 11 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m., and 7 p.m. I'm confident few fans are eager to have breakfast or a midnight snack at Kyle Field to accommodate a pay per view audience.
Now tell me what you get out of Byrne's statement. It reads to me that you'll have to have a PPV game finished before 11am or not start till 10pm, so as to avoid conflict with any other televised Big 12 game.
Here are Big 12 some of the Big 12 PPV games from this year that prove this isn't true.
Aug 30 - W.Mi @ Neb; Chat @ OU and FL Atl @ tu all PPV at 6pm conflicts with IL @ MO at 7:30 on ESPN
Obviously there is a 1/2 a game overlap here.
Sept 6 - SE MO @ MO on PPV at 6pm conflicts with A&M @ NM at 4pm on Versus (1/2 game) AND!! LA Tech @ KS on FSN at 6pm (conflicts the entire game!!!) as well as MT st @ KSU on FCS also at 6pm.
Sept 13 - NM st @ Neb on PPV at 6pm conflicts with SMU @ Tech on FSSW at 6pm (conflicts the entire game) and with OU @ WA on ESPN at 6:45.
I tend not to trust someone when they mislead me.
I have no issue with Bill saying we will lose more in ticket sales than we will gain in PPV revenue if he can prove it, but I do have issue with him saying we can't do PPV because the only available times would be at breakfast or at 10pm or longer (insuation from his midnight snack comment).
Maybe nobody else cares that our AD makes misleading or outright false statements to us, but I do. And I wanted to point this out in case some of your weren't aware of Bill's public statements.