maybe war movies don't do as well because they tend to be pretty depressing.
And a drill sergeant is a box of sunshine to most folks?
This is an easy one people: of all the images associated with Texas A&M, Reveille is BY far the most accessible to the majority to the public:
Most people are familier with collies. Lassie alone makes the collie a strong brand. The breed has a built in nobility and dignity in their appearance. The concept of the dog going to classes is novel for a mascot. She has many things as a mascot that normal people can relate to.
Old sarge is a strictly military image. For those without military experience (so most of Americans), a drill sergeant is a jerk whose main job is to verbally abuse new army recuits in cliched ways. The most popular drill sergeant in popular culture (FMJ) was so abusive he caused a subordinate to kill himself. Therefore such a mascot only appeals to people who are heavy authoritarians, which at most is 30% of the population.
From a branding standpoint, Reveille is the best thing A&M has ever had. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and replace every ugly Corp member in every TV ad produced in the 00's with a shot of Reveille.
Don't get me wrong- the military aspect of A&M IS important from a branding angle. When tied to the overall conservative culture it produces a sort of "red state" alternative to the traditional higher public education system, which gives A&M a competitive advantage for funding at the top end. Business graduates and engineering graduates make more money on average than liberal arts graduates, period. Makes for a better alum base financially.
Where the conservative/military angle DOESN'T help is in the recruiting of talented African-Americans for football. Even if you put aside facts like most African Americans who vote vote Democrat, or that the current Democrat president is an African American, the simple truth is that "rough and tumble" mentality feels positively outdated compared to the images put forth by institutions at the top of the sport.
Whether Aggies want to admit it or not, the liability in recruiting when we lean too heavy on our military lineage is there. The best mascot is a one that is a balance of military culture and civilian culture. We call this mixture "Reveille."
[This message has been edited by poofyhairguy (edited 6/28/2010 11:19p).]