Sam Houston's Copy of His Official Report of the Battle of San Jacinto
Page 4
the whole line at the center and on the right, advancing in double
quick time, sung the war cry "Remember the Alamo" received the Enemy's
fire and advanced within point blank shot before a piece was discharged
from our lines-- Our line advanced without a halt, until they were in
possession of the woodland and the Enemy's breastwork. The right wing of
Burleson's and the left of Millard's taking possession of the breastwork
our artillery having gallantly charged up within 70 yards of the Enemy's
cannon, where it was taken by our troops. The conflict lasted about 18
minutes from the time of close action, until we were in possession of
the Enemy's [encampment] taking [one] piece of cannon (loaded), 4 Stand
of colors, all their camp equipage, stores, and Baggage. Our cavalry
had charged and routed that of the Enemy upon the right and given
pursuit to the fugitives, which did not cease until they arrived at the bridge
which I have mentioned before. Capt Karnes, always among the foremost
in danger commanding the pursuers. The conflict in the breastwork, lasted
but a few moments; many of the troops encountered hand to hand, and not
having the advantage of bayonets on our side, our riflemen used their
pieces as war clubs, breaking many of them off at the breech. The route
commenced at past 4, and the pursuit by the main army continued
until twilight. A guard was then left in charge of the Enemys Encamp
ment, and our army returned with our killed and wounded.
In the Battle our loss was two killed and twenty three wounded, six of
whom mortally. The Enemy's loss was 630 killed, among which was one
General Officer, 4 Cols. 2 Liet Cols. 5 Captains-12 Lieuts. Wounded:
208 of which were 5 Cols, 3 Lieut cols, 2 Second Lieut Cols, 7 Captains-
1 Cadet. Prisoners: 730. President General Santa Anna, Gen. Cos, 4
Cols aids to Gen Santa Anna, 6 Lieut cols. the private Secretary of Gen
Santa Anna, and the Col of the Guerrero batallion are included in the
number. Gen Santa Anna, was not taken until the 22nd, and Gen Cos
on yesterday; very few escaped. About 600 muskets-300 Sabres, and 200
pistols have been collected since the action. Several hundred mules and Horses
were taken, and near twelve thousand dollars in specie-
For several days previous to the action our troops were engaged in forced marching
exposed to excessive rains, and the additional inconvenience of extremely bad