With as many people as I see commenting on CPAP and oral appliances and their struggles and accomplishments with sleep, I am curious as to what if any research CPAP users on this Forum have done into the Inspire Procedure.

Disclosure: I do the procedure, I have done about 30 or so. I practice out of state. I am not interested in getting any business from this Forum, and I am not an investor in it. The procedure is a lot of work, and it pays rather poorly for the implanting physician. Depending upon the patient's anatomy, it can be technically difficult to accomplish. I was a skeptic and waited for a few iterations of the procedure and data to prove efficacy before I jumped in.

All that being said, it works. ANY H&F Ags have an Inspire implant? Any others sought out a consultation with an implanting physician? If you have an AHI between 15 and 65 and aren't significantly obese (BMI less than 34-35), yet cannot tolerate CPAP, what are you doing to help sleep?
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