Nosh said:
jejdag said:
People need to get over themselves and realize that just because it's not something they'd do, anyone that does is sub-human. If more people would ride, there'd be change for the better. Used to be you could only see a 300 lb woman at a side show in a circus. Was in a burger joint last week that had maybe 75 people in it, and there were no less than 6 of them at that weight or better. But I'm the one thought less of because I dare to to get on "their" road.
Obey traffic laws, don't cluster, don't impede traffic with low speed, and most importantly (or at least) pay a vehicle registration on your bike and THEN you have a point about complaining about "their" road.
Wearing camel toe clothing on a bike ain't the only way to lose weight.
I mean a lot of this doesn't apply. Bikes aren't allowed on roads with minimum speed limits, for one. If you want to lobby for more minimum speed areas, have at it.
Vehicle registration in Texas is based on Gross Weight. As I understand it it would cost more in the postage to send out the sticker, than it would to register a 20 pound bike in fees. For this reason Texas doesn't register bikes. If you want to change it to a usage model, by all means have at it. I'm sure the government would be all ears in how to raise fees.
Clustering is the way Texas wants you to do it in packs of more than 2 riders. This goes for motorized bikes also. You are welcome to lobby the government on this.
Bikes running stop signs, and in limited case lights is annoying and should be frowned upon. I would probably point out that people do those at their own risk, just like when in a car. Bikes running clear stop signals and getting hit and killed is a rare thing. Most bike/car incidents are done under normal operating use models, at least those that I am aware of.