Can somebody explain power zones to me like I'm 5?
This is the key statement with how all of this PZ stuff works. When you take a regular class, the instructor gives you a cadence range and resistance range. If my wife and I both get on the bike at the same cadence and same resistance, we will have very different perceptions of how hard it is to sustain that level of effort since we are different people with different levels of fitness, different height/weight, and so on.Scriffer said:
What this allows is mass classes that let riders maintain the appropriate relative effort for the workout. So a pro cyclist would be putting out a zillion more watts than me, but on a perceived exertion basis, we should be pretty close.
'03ag said:
Thanks. I've seen discussion about when is best to do your first power zone test. Does it matter much for a beginner?
tysker said:
I might be alone in this thought but I think its good for a large amount of riders to have a FTP figure even if you're not a big PZ rider. After you've done several PZ rides, having those zones gives you idea of your own personal effort levels and really helps you to better dial in the effort and intensity the instructor is looking to achieve.
Congrats! Sounds like you did it right!easttexasaggie04 said:
After having the bike 4 years I finally took the FTP ride and it kicked my ass!
98Ag99Grad said:
I didn't have the bar showing (with zones 1-7) until I entered my height/weight into the settings so that's where I'm getting that from.
That depends. Are your hands still shaking?TheBiggerEvent said:
Did my FTP this morning. I think I'm still sweating. Does that mean I did it right?
TheBiggerEvent said:
Did my FTP this morning. I think I'm still sweating. Does that mean I did it right?
mrsbeer05 said:
I think the problem with skipping the warm up is the leaderboard. Is it a PR if you don't do the whole class? Also in the 20-30min classes the warm up can be 1/3 of the class, so would it still count as a ride?
Nitro Power said:
Do what Matt suggested when taking back to back rides. Ride the warmup at Z2 minimum or Z3, then begin class on schedule?