Captain Winky said:
I don't own one, but am in the market because after being without power for 10 days after Beryl I want a backup plan. If my dedicated 7.5kW generator fails (which is surprisingly likely) then I have the truck as a backup.
Having the larger powerboost generator and using it after Beryl, a couple things.
First, your standard interlock kit and plug won't work. The house is ground, the truck is ground, so you'll get a grounding error. You really need a special panel put in. Or you can redneck engineer it. I did it, but don't recommend.
Second, it's great for short outages but not great for anything over a couple of days. My house (w/out ACs) went through about 1/3 a tank in 24 hours. So you will still need to find gas. If you need to find gas, you unplug the truck and no longer power the house. This was another issue I ran into. I had work, etc., so would need to unplug to go do that. Well I have to fight to cool the house back down when I get back home. Even if I didn't have to leave, not sure I'd want my truck running for days at a time.
I think it's a great backup option. I wouldn't buy the truck because of it, though. If you RV, use tools where you don't normally have power, etc., than sure.
If you're buying the truck for that, just buy a tri fuel portable generator. (what I'm doing anyway)