Fail because reasonable voters realize we can't afford it. Fail because some just don't want to split athletics, because we can't afford it. Fail because the price tag of both schools which can't be justified based on past costs of elementary schools and current costs of other ISD's proposed high schools. Fail because the district ignores aging schools so years down the road when the schools in the Belton city limits are aging, will they be ignored too? Fail because this only enhances the interest of a couple of people. Fail because the admin is corrupted by those couple of people. I never wanted to make this about boundaries but it is. And this bond ignores a significant boundary of the ISD. If BISD is so damn good, would you send your child to ANY of the schools? I bet not. Drive around. Take your pick. If you leave off a few, then it's not BISD that brought you here. It's a nice new school in a nice new community that doesn't contribute a 1/4 of what others do.