no traffic; you can get from one end of town to the other in fifteen minutes.
it is cheap
hunting: I can get from my office downtown to a bird lease in thirty minutes.
fishing: see above.
very relaxed moral standards
the laid back attitude of most of the inhabitants makes competing with them relatively easy.
don't have to wait in line for much of anything and when you do it is not for more than a few minutes.
there are a lot of very interesting people who have retired to here---admittedly this is of more interest to those of us creeping up on our dotage, but I am regularly pleased to meet somebody who was engaged in matters of interest prior to feathering down here.
it never gets cold and the constant breezes from the southeast make the heat bearable--compared to some of our inland cities, which closely resemble ovens with jammed doors.
the retrograde areas of town are being reclaimed by more civilized tribes---Flour Bluff, for example, was formerly the abode of a race of people who resembled a cross between Karankawa remnants, mentally defective burglars from the midwest and women who were tossed aside as unsuitable by the Bandidos. The place is actually better now than Robstown or San Diego.
And while it is not technically part of Corpus, the nearby Richard Borchard Center is perhaps the least crowded venue in the state for livestock related events.
Finally, local politics and the newspaper that covers them are a never ending source of amusement and target for ridicule, which makes up for the lack of a zoo.
it is cheap
hunting: I can get from my office downtown to a bird lease in thirty minutes.
fishing: see above.
very relaxed moral standards
the laid back attitude of most of the inhabitants makes competing with them relatively easy.
don't have to wait in line for much of anything and when you do it is not for more than a few minutes.
there are a lot of very interesting people who have retired to here---admittedly this is of more interest to those of us creeping up on our dotage, but I am regularly pleased to meet somebody who was engaged in matters of interest prior to feathering down here.
it never gets cold and the constant breezes from the southeast make the heat bearable--compared to some of our inland cities, which closely resemble ovens with jammed doors.
the retrograde areas of town are being reclaimed by more civilized tribes---Flour Bluff, for example, was formerly the abode of a race of people who resembled a cross between Karankawa remnants, mentally defective burglars from the midwest and women who were tossed aside as unsuitable by the Bandidos. The place is actually better now than Robstown or San Diego.
And while it is not technically part of Corpus, the nearby Richard Borchard Center is perhaps the least crowded venue in the state for livestock related events.
Finally, local politics and the newspaper that covers them are a never ending source of amusement and target for ridicule, which makes up for the lack of a zoo.