My brother is renting an older mobile home - it's just not well insulated. It's not the utilities - it's the house, and with 3 kids in it, they probably are in and out a lot. Or at least it's the excuse the bum is using. He may just be trying to get more money from my folks, too.
Let me know if you have any more questions, and I'll do what I can to help you get some info.
Noble has a good idea, too. I don't know what the city property taxes are, since my parents live outside the city limits, but it might be worth checking into if you are considering buying a mobile home. Be careful with the mobile home parks, but you can probably tell pretty easy whether or not it is a place you want to live. It's a whole lot different than the parks in CS - not a college atmosphere there, although there is a community college out past Chapel Hill.
[This message has been edited by Aggiewife&mom (edited 5/4/2007 11:16p).]