I've lived here 8 years, and I would like an answer to this. Most of the time I want a good steak, I just grill it at home.
I used to like Jake's, but the past two times I've gotten a steak there it has been average at best. (I still like Jake's as a whole, I've just been disappointed by the steak the last couple of times) I can't stand Dakota's. Last time I got a steak at Rick's it was about 1/2" thick, and mostly fat.
Ordered a steak at Sonoma's, medium rare. It came out well done, completely grey throughout, so I sent it back. They brought out a second one which was also completely grey throughout, so I sent that back as well. This time the manager comes out with the second steak I had sent back and proceeds to tell me that you can't tell how a steak is cooked by looking at it, you have to bite into it to tell how it is cooked. I asked him if he really believed that, to which he said yes, so I just bit my tongue and said I didn't want it.
I have friends that drive to 4 Winds, but that's a long haul. Jack Ryan's in Kilgore has a pretty good steak, but again, that's a haul.
Also, Kiepersol for a bachelor party would be horrible.
Villa actually has a pretty good steak. They put Chimichurri sauce on it (you can get it on the side), but it's usually pretty decent. (I forgot about them since it's not a steak house).
[This message has been edited by Josepi (edited 12/10/2013 3:44p).]