I will make some phone calls and see if I can get some people to check it out for me. That would be horrible if we ever get it like they do farther east.
It has been in East Texas before, but it has been controlled/ eradicated. If we were ever to have a problem like what you find further East in Georgia Alabama etc it would severely hurt the Forest Industry.
Call out Uncertain and Karnack Volunteer Fire Departments. Can't afford to lose Bawana Disco. Why, it's ah Harrison County institution.
Recruit volunteer bar fly's at the Lighthouse, and The Uncertain Tavern (formerly Scooter's Hide Away Bar, OR once known as The Rocket Club) to come out and help.
Imperial is too far Harrison County west to be a direct competitior of Bawana. BUT you could have a point. Bop says...FIGHT THE KUDZU, BEFORE IT FIGHTS YOU.