trestamu said:
Curious about how the turf handles the dog urine. We bought a house with turf installed in the backyard. Two dogs (golden retriever and lab mix) and we couldn't stand the smell. Tried all kinds of biocide, etc and nothing would get it out. Ended up replacing with grass. Wonder if it was poor turf product or underlay.
To answer your question and guide anybody else thinking about it...
We have about 1300 sqft of turf. We also have two great danes. We initially had grass but the danes were constantly tearing up the grass, killing it with the urine and rolling around on the dirt. Kept adding new St. Augustine sod down and finally had enough. Patio was dirty, house was dirty, dogs were dirty.
Installed turf in February. Patio stays clean, house is cleaner, dogs are clean. Don't have to wipe down mud in the house or spray the patio as much. Less dirt to sweep in the house.
Going into this I knew there was a chance of having urine smell. It does happen. Sometimes it worse, sometimes it not there. I do use a variety of products, to spray it down. I do water their pee down as much as I can just about every time they go outside.
So to me it was pick your poison. Turf with some pee smell and constantly treating it, or crappy grass dirt area with dirty dogs, dirty house and muddy patio.
I probably use more water on the turf than I did on the grass. Lol. We do have irrigation under the turf as well.
I'm thinking it would be more easily manageable and less water if I didn't have two XXL dogs.
The turf looks great, love it. The cost of products and water, not so much.