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Tine Coronavirus thread

2,602,179 Views | 20959 Replies | Last: 7 mo ago by Ciboag96
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Brad06ag said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

CDUB98 said:

Here in Jackson Hole, tons of covididiots are outside masking, while skiing. Some even double masked. Thankfully, the higher up the mountain I go, the fewer of those there are.

Wife and I hopped on a gondola midpoint on day one, and two maskers were already on board. They could not press themselves any closer to the other side. The one across from me had giant, fear laden eyes.

I have no ****s left to give. I just started talking to the wife like all was normal.

Lots of stupid here. But, on a good note, there are "mask up" signs everywhere, especially on the busses. I'd say a good 60% are ignoring them.

I just skied in Park City. Hardly anyone skiing in a mask unless it was for actual cold weather with the holes. Supposedly required inside but probably 50/50 on people wearing them. Staff didn't care at all as opposed to last year when they were acting like the crazy flight attendants. My flight attendants both ways were especially lax on mask enforcement as well which was nice. Just the initial announcement and that was all.
I flew a lot for work over the summer plus some personal. It was amazing how much it differed every flight.

The most stark was a quick weekend trip to Vegas. Friday was basically a party and no one cared. Sunday, I'm pretty sure the FA had one heck of a hangover and was a B****.

We had a split flight to get here.

Houston to Denver. The flight attendants seemed, meh.

Denver to Jackson, holy hell, we had a Branch Covian roaming the plane. She made several people, including my daughter, change from a gator to a mask.

Announcements...more mask idoicy. Mid flight, too much turbulence for us flight attendants to get up, but don't you take that mask off.
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dummble said:

This happened to my friend in Canada, they just drove across the border,then on to Texas

Same for my coworker. He was on a flight from Canada to Houston and the rules were so strict to fly home he rented a car one way to Seattle and flew from there with no restrictions.

More proof government officials are complete idiots.
Mike Shaw - Class of '03
Stat Monitor Repairman
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We've gone absolutely crazy with this testing.

People are obsessed with it.

It's some sort of mass psychosis. Like the Salem witch trials.

A solid chunk of people are hysterical over this.

I don't see how we stop this. Its gonna have to burn itself out.
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a big problem is that a major (rather legit) talking point with the pandemic has been health care utilization and bed availability, etc.

well this last wave has been very mild (at least in the Houston area) with regard to hospitalization for the itis (compared to Delta, which was awful)

but it's still hard to transfer patients from community ERs to major hospitals... but not because of no physical beds, because of staffing issues with nurses, techs, etc. second hand info (grain of salt) - but wings of beds, no staff to tend them.

and that staffing issue is going to take years to fully resolve. it's not even staff catching the itis and just being out for 5 days. the available talent pool just evaporated after 18 months of this bull***** some aren't coming back regardless of marginal wage increase. we are running way too lean.

so even after the real crisis of infection is cleared, the knock-on effects are going to be around for a while and the talking point about HC resources is going to persist
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

We've gone absolutely crazy with this testing.

People are obsessed with it.

It's some sort of mass psychosis. Like the Salem witch trials.

A solid chunk of people are hysterical over this.

I don't see how we stop this. Its gonna have to burn itself out.
Mass formation psychosis is not a thing / sarcasm
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cone said:

a big problem is that a major (rather legit) talking point with the pandemic has been health care utilization and bed availability, etc.

well this last wave has been very mild (at least in the Houston area) with regard to hospitalization for the itis (compared to Delta, which was awful)

but it's still hard to transfer patients from community ERs to major hospitals... but not because of no physical beds, because of staffing issues with nurses, techs, etc. second hand info (grain of salt) - but wings of beds, no staff to tend them.

and that staffing issue is going to take years to fully resolve. it's not even staff catching the itis and just being out for 5 days. the available talent pool just evaporated after 18 months of this bull***** some aren't coming back regardless of marginal wage increase. we are running way too lean.

so even after the real crisis of infection is cleared, the knock-on effects are going to be around for a while and the talking point about HC resources is going to persist
No one is going to want to be a doctor or a nurse after this.
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The boy woke up with a headache & sore throat this morning - home from school like any normal day … betting he'll shake it by tomorrow
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Sad. Should have been the biggest focus. To somehow increase incentive to being one. I know many were burnt out regardless, but additional staff could have helped prevent that.

Not sure how we could have done it, but I'm sure there was a way to do so where we'd have more staff now than we do.
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beerad12man said:

Sad. Should have been the biggest focus. To somehow increase incentive to being one. I know many were burnt out regardless, but additional staff could have helped prevent that.

Not sure how we could have done it, but I'm sure there was a way to do so where we'd have more staff now than we

To start, if you don't fire the non-vaxxed you probably don't have to beg those who got sick anyway to come into work instead of quarantining. As I tell my 3 year old, actions have consequences and there were decisions made that in hindsight weren't very smart.

My other big complaint is the only real treatment across much of the nation is to hope for the best and wait around to send those worsoning to the ER. And yet we wonder why the hospitals are overwhelmed during waves. Maybe someone should have put a plan / process together for how family practitioners treat those with the virus other than telling them to rest and drink fluids in addition to just hoping a vaccine worked. If the oral medication had the same push so we could actually treat the sickness before it gets out of hand, we probably would be in a very different place right now.
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I think it's gonna be the same for schools, too. Teachers, bus drivers, substitutes, we're short on everything. I don't necessarily believe it's pandemic-related, though, I think it has more to do with pay vs kid behavior/ridiculous expectations.
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rhoswen said:

I think it's gonna be the same for schools, too. Teachers, bus drivers, substitutes, we're short on everything. I don't necessarily believe it's pandemic-related, though, I think it has more to do with pay vs kid behavior/ridiculous expectations.
Maybe for public schools. Then again private schools see good teachers willing to make a little less for a decent culture and competent administration.
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you **** with the entire economy long-term when you put people on what amounts to perceived hazard pay for 18 months
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i mean, the frontline people were just ****ed from the get go.

the only thing that could have helped would have been the makeshift field hospitals dedicated to people suffering from early itis symptoms (getting them take-home oxygen, running the tests, etc.) but even something like that is a drop in the bucket compared to the vast clinic and urgent care and ER system that strained under the weight of patient volume.

once the government realized this wasn't an economy destroying virus, they pretty much bugged out of the triage and care part of the equation outside of the stupid code red announcements.
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Teaching and the education world is a disaster. Everything from COVID, absences, kids being behind, kids (and their parents) being so disrespectful, sub shortage, etc. And that's just the beginning. It's going to take a long time to fix the system. BUT I'm sure some legislator is still worried about the $$STARR tests$$!
Sea Speed
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I dont really see the effects of it at my kids school thank goodness but I dont even want to think about how bad some of the less fortunate have it. So many kids just thrown in to the trash heap, and no one really talks about it. The impact of these terrible policies and decisions are going to be felt forever in this country.
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the complete lack of urgency with regard to returning elementary school to a 2019 normal is astounding to me
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cone said:

the complete lack of urgency with regard to returning elementary school to a 2019 normal is astounding to me

That's why private schools are thriving. Our enrollment is up almost 30% since Covid started. Our school isn't elite teir 1 as far as private schools go by any means, but they also don't want to be that with hours of homework. The cost is cheaper than daycare with teachers and admins that care on a large campus that gets used day. Kids applying from public schools used to test behind our students, but the gap has widened exponentially since Covid. Enough that many can't just repeat a grade and we're having to turn them away. And it's only getting worse.
Sea Speed
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That perfectly sums up my thoughts on that. There are people actively trying to keep it from going back to normal. At work I tell the folks under me that one of the major problems we encounter is that so many people fail to see past about 2 inches in front of their face, so to speak, and the same holds true pretty much everywhere. No one seems to give a damn about the massive long term damage incurred by what we have done to the youth. Unless it is a feature and not a bug, which I am certain it is for some.
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Denver to Jackson, holy hell, we had a Branch Covian roaming the plane. She made several people, including my daughter, change from a gator to a mask.

Announcements...more mask idoicy. Mid flight, too much turbulence for us flight attendants to get up, but don't you take that mask off.
When we flew home from Denver last month, the FA was standing just past first class and basically told everyone their mask wasn't good enough and then gave them a new one.

Then, when she did the security announcements, she told everyone that after you put your oxygen mask on, make sure to mask back up with the one she gave us. That got a good laugh from the cabin and she did not appreciate that one bit.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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cone said:

the only thing that could have helped would have been the makeshift field hospitals dedicated to people suffering from early itis symptoms (getting them take-home oxygen, running the tests, etc.)
In March 2020, it sounded like this was the plan, and it sounded like a decent plan, all things considered.

Then it just stopped.

There was no more talk of triage centers and early treatment. The narrative shifted back to using existing resources, then creating panic and hysteria by insisting that existing resources were at capacity.

Any form of early treatment or at home therapy was met with fanatical resistance. It was all about testing and all about the vaccine.

We 2-years in and still talking about hospital beds and lack of resources.

This was chaos by design, and executed on a global scale. You got politicians, the media, and the medical community all on-board with it and operating in lockstep. Thats hard to imagine, but thats what we are seeing, 2-years in.
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Then, when she did the security announcements, she told everyone that after you put your oxygen mask on, make sure to mask back up with the one she gave us. That got a good laugh from the cabin and she did not appreciate that one bit.

WTF?? She probably thinks she understands "science" too.
91G 'EM 94GGIES!
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Bockaneer said:


Then, when she did the security announcements, she told everyone that after you put your oxygen mask on, make sure to mask back up with the one she gave us. That got a good laugh from the cabin and she did not appreciate that one bit.

WTF?? She probably thinks she understands "science" too.
The flight was 2 hours delayed and taking off after midnight.

I was really concerned she was going to pull everyone off the flight for laughing. She was that nuts...
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Sea Speed said:

That perfectly sums up my thoughts on that. There are people actively trying to keep it from going back to normal. At work I tell the folks under me that one of the major problems we encounter is that so many people fail to see past about 2 inches in front of their face, so to speak, and the same holds true pretty much everywhere. No one seems to give a damn about the massive long term damage incurred by what we have done to the youth. Unless it is a feature and not a bug, which I am certain it is for some.
It's tough when you have a mask on it
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There was no more talk of triage centers and early treatment. The narrative shifted back to using existing resources, then creating panic and hysteria by insisting that existing resources were at capacity.
this is a strong point

to make it local

Lina opened her NRG field hospital in spring 2020 and no one came. okay, bad timing.

but when we did need it (or something like it) last winter or during the Delta wave, it wasn't there

so wtf changed
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instead she's just on twitter wearing a mask at the ****ing marathon
Sea Speed
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She got caught grifting so had to lay low i presume
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felt more like to me that from May 2020 on (and especially after the GFloyd protests started popping off) that the powers that be no longer considered the itis to be an emergency

it was a political problem for sure (and still is), but if it was an emergency it was one that would be addressed by behavior compliance, throwing money at the aggrieved, and vaccine development

it was not going to be addressed by increasing existing HC capacity or staffing whatsoever
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staffing has been an issue since the beginning. Throwing up a triage facility in a parking lot wasn't going to solve for that.
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lunchbox said:

Bockaneer said:


Then, when she did the security announcements, she told everyone that after you put your oxygen mask on, make sure to mask back up with the one she gave us. That got a good laugh from the cabin and she did not appreciate that one bit.

WTF?? She probably thinks she understands "science" too.
The flight was 2 hours delayed and taking off after midnight.

I was really concerned she was going to pull everyone off the flight for laughing. She was that nuts...
I'm guessing after two years of this sh-t, some of these flight attendants probably have some mental health issues.
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most united FA's have a myriad of health issues.
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RK said:

most united FA's have a myriad of health issues.

"Oh me? I'm a flight attendant."

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Why is everyone doing the Stat Monitor Repairman posting style now?

I just can't figure out the point.

But it is annoying.
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i have to agree, practically. such a place would have been a drop in the bucket compared to the crush. and who was going to staff it?

you go to to war with the army you have and the one we have/had is ****ing done
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I think a good portion of the problem is that they have whipped up the fear level in so many people that going back to normal just isn't going to happen. They are too terrified. I know many people, who I would have considered rational, that I can't be friends with anymore because they are basically terrified of going outside!
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And what's sad is these people are almost assuredly vaccinated. If they believed in the vaccines at all, they would realize that there odds of dying from a respiratory illness now, post covid19 vaccine, is likely no greater than during flu season of 2019. At least, not measurably so as an individual.
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