She looks tremendous here.Bondag said:
MarathonAg12 said:
What happens to the bathing suit? It seems like the back half goes missing.
Bondag said:MarathonAg12 said:
What happens to the bathing suit? It seems like the back half goes missing.
I don't know but I'll get to the bottom of it.
Bondag said:
Irish 2.0 said:
Is that Graves?
Bondag said:
MarathonAg12 said:
She needs to ditch that kid
Part of me wonders if she knows about this thread as a former employee here and therefore uses the kid as a human shield
Stat Monitor Repairman said:
Wonk bout to do it up this weekend.
She cookin' us up something real special.
maroon barchetta said:
Poor Ivory.
Grace, Kennedy, Carla, and others tend to post from tropical locations.
She's wearing the Stars and Stripes bikini at the red neck riviera in freaking Conroe