My neighbor (big soccer fan), his son-in-law, and I (soccer newbie) got 6 seats together last week. They are premium seats (not Club) around what I would consider the 40-yard line. All in, $3,449.00 for two season tickets.
We conducted the seat selection process via Microsoft Teams virtual meeting. The Austin FC guy was helpful, and not pushy at all. Pretty painless process (except for the actual payment).
I did this on a lark, and was willing to spend about $1000 a ticket, just for the novelty of it, so I ended up blowing through my budget by a good bit.
Oh - they include $20 of food/beverage credit per ticket per game, so for the 19 games, I guess you could count that as reducing the all-in price by $760, but you use it or lose it. The credit passes with the eTicket if you sell or give away an individual game. The 50-yard line season tickets were only $190 more each, and included $25 of food/beverage credit per game, but we had to draw the line somewhere.
I figure I'll try it out for a year, see if I like it, and take it from there. Between this and my Aggie tickets, my entertainment budget is fully committed and then some!