My nomination: Briarcrest at Broadmoor
I work night shift, so I drive through this intersection about 10:20 pm at night, when there's not much traffic. As far as I can tell, at that time of night, the signal is on a timer, because it will stop the main road (Briarcrest) even when there is no cross traffic. To be even more annoying, once Broadmoor goes back to red, the turn lanes on Briarcrest get protected lefts. Not flashing yellow - full green, so straight through traffic (which is 99% of it) is still stuck sitting there waiting for cars that aren't there.
What say ye?
I work night shift, so I drive through this intersection about 10:20 pm at night, when there's not much traffic. As far as I can tell, at that time of night, the signal is on a timer, because it will stop the main road (Briarcrest) even when there is no cross traffic. To be even more annoying, once Broadmoor goes back to red, the turn lanes on Briarcrest get protected lefts. Not flashing yellow - full green, so straight through traffic (which is 99% of it) is still stuck sitting there waiting for cars that aren't there.
What say ye?