We live in interesting times.
These administrators have become increasingly tone deaf. They know what's best, us peasants just need to give them our money and trust them because they're far more knowledgeable than we are. That goes for schools and local governments too. Unfortunately for them they can't create inflation via money printing which is the ultimate tax increase because it doesn't require voter approval. People's pocketbooks are tighter than they've been in quite some time yet governments don't seem terribly inclined to work with less.
Bigger picture we're seeing a rapidly growing anti-incumbent movement across the entire country and even across Europe, particularly in red states in the U.S.. The general population seems to be increasingly tired of government largesse at all levels and are pushing back everywhere. This is largely the reason behind Trump as a phenomenon (forget what you think of Trump specifically), he presents himself as a populist fighting for the people against the corrupt establishment. It doesn't really matter if it's true or not, that's how it's playing out. People are tired of overbearing government yet the government seems determined to keep taking what it wants.
Meanwhile I'm certain Anderson Shiro is telling us they're seeing rapid growth and projecting even more all of which I know to be true based on some very recent analysis of that area I've seen through a project a client has in front of him. And they're going to tell us growth is expensive and it's better to get out in front of it than to wait til it's here and they've out grown whatever facilities they're trying to expand. I have no doubt all of that is true as that's playing out across the Brazos Valley but particularly in that area. CSISD is full so to speak and that and Franklin are where people are going.
Still administrators, change it up some. Demonstrate some token understanding of the citizens you serve and make cuts like everyone else is. At least try to show some respect for the people paying the bills. Or get voted out at some point. Your call.
A fearful society is a compliant society. That's why Democrats and criminals prefer their victims to be unarmed. Gun Control is not about guns, it's about control.