RunSilentRunDeep said:
Travis Bryan was also the DA before he was a defense attorney then District Judge.
Retired Sheriff Chris Kirk also supports Maritza.
These are two of the most respected men who have held elected offices in Brazos County.
Apparently, they know a change is needed in the DA Office.
Campaign finance reports for the local races have been filed. far as Judge Bryan knowing there needs to be a change, why did he donate to Parsons back in July then? The Sifuentez campaign has yet to say why the change they claim is needed is actually needed. Maybe they're waiting until closer to the election to release more specifics, but I've yet to hear why change is needed.
More than the Judge Bryan contribution to Parsons is the $25k donation to the Sifuentez campaign from a single donor who lives in Houston. The total contributions listed on her report is $27k, so almost all of her contributions have come from someone who doesn't even live in Brazos County.
According to second mailer, she is also supported by a PAC. If they've received donations or have spent money on her campaign, I'm pretty sure that money isn't going to show up on her campaign's report.