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Proposed East Inner Loop : Fitch-Steephollow-Andert -2776-OSR

17,500 Views | 76 Replies | Last: 14 days ago by Smeghead4761
Animal Eight 84
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Brazos County Regional Mobility Authority 2022 Plan includes a multi lane bypass loop to divert large truck traffic (18 wheelers).

Expect a similar footprint like Fitch, divided 4 lane road.

This is in addition to the proposed Loop I-214

Proposed Route appears to be from Fitch-then in the vicinity of Steep Hollow to Andert then appears to go to - 2776-OSR
Probably expanding existing right of ways along county roads.

Something to be aware of if you are in the affected area.
My experience on other similar projects is to voice concerns early in the study phase while routes are being planned.

East Inner Loop appears to be redundant to Loop
I-214 since both proposed loops are within 4 miles of each other.

Currently not funded , will be after 2030.
See page 4 &5 of the attached link.

Sweet Kitten Feet
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I think a west side loop is more needed than that. Start west of the airport somewhere and go down towards Millican. Not sure how to get that done with what already in the area, but it's just getting worse and worse on that side and they continue to put more and more people there.
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Let's see whose ranches are impacted by this proposal. Lots of large landowners on the east side. Can't imagine they will go down without a fight.
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Connecting anything to Steep Hollow seems like a disaster - especially if it creates more traffic at the S-curve which already has 2 crosses beside it. Not to mention the rapid development of acreage subdivisions on that side of town. Conceptually, it's probably needed and unavoidable, but practically?….good luck.
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Why not both ?

Connect Green Dot to Blue Dot on West side (loop), and do the east side loop thing from WDF/30 out and around and up to 21.

Anything to reduce traffic on highway, also make Hwy 6 three lanes each way with concrete divider in the middle the whole way thru town (like it is south of town with 2 lanes).

Boom, traffic problems solved, only cost is eleventy billion in buying ROW and construction....

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The current footpath on the inner east loop has it going right through the middle of the existing Risinger Estates and through the middle of the proposed Stella Ranch development off 1179.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothing is a real cool hand
halibut sinclair
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meinkee said:

Let's see whose ranches are impacted by this proposal. Lots of large landowners on the east side. Can't imagine they will go down without a fight.
Lots of ranches and farmland taken out when they built the east bypass in the early 70s.
Animal Eight 84
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halibut sinclair said:

meinkee said:

Let's see whose ranches are impacted by this proposal. Lots of large landowners on the east side. Can't imagine they will go down without a fight.
Lots of ranches and farmland taken out when they built the east bypass in the early 70s.

Loop I-214 is also intended to reroute truck traffic around BCS.
Proposed East loop route is only 3 miles away & solves the same problem- reroute truck traffic .

However the East Loop's proposed path is through land currently selling at $100K acre when subdivided.
That is a big difference from early 1970s right of way acquisitions.

Makes no sense to spend tax dollars planning and building two loops that close together.
Wastes tax dollars and takes that future property tax revenue off the tax rolls.
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Good luck coming through the east side. If they are planning on tying into Andert they are going to have to remove the new 50 lot subdivision that just got developed where Andert tees into Old Reliance. They would almost have to have this go down 2038 to make it make sense. 2038 already has a wider right of way and with the way subdivisions are being developed , the area from 2038 to Steep Hollow is all going to be filled in within the next 20 years anyways with housing.
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Agreed with 2038 - which outlets into Hwy 21.
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2038 is exactly what I was thinking. I live in Steep Hollow and it would be a nightmare. I pass those 2 crosses 4 times a day (I live right by that S curve) and those are just from the past couple years. There have been more accidents with no crosses placed. Elmo Weeden to 2038 would make much more sense and leave most farmland alone.
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Up till last year, we lived behind the cemetery on the S-Curve and you're right, that intersection is dangerous already. I had a car flip over land upside down in my yard and probably a half dozen lose control and hit the trees along my property edge.

That being said, I believe they are in the process of widening and straitening 1179 in the coming year or so. There was a plan for that S-Curve but I can't remember what it is now. In any case, I just don't see how they route a major loop around all the subdivisions that have been developed the last 10 years unless they move it out.
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If they straighten out that S-Curve you can say bye-bye to Frank's.
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The proposed I-214 loop appears to follow 2038; this loop looks to cross Hwy. 21 between Coulter Field and Carraba Rd., not as far out as Andert Rd, and cross 1179 east of Steep Hollow. A bit further south, it does look close to Risinger Rd.

Here is a map with more cross streets indicated (pg. 12):
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More than anything, we need more "east/west" corridors that don't have 100 traffic lights slowing you down.
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If the state wants it, they will get it. Look at the loops in Houston. They will just build around houses and they may or may not put up sound walls for the houses. Just look at the houses when you leave the Woodlands Mall and go over the bridge to to north on 45 on Lake Woodlands Drive.
Buford T. Justice
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Whoever designed the diverging diamond needs to be kept away from any future projects.
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I found a map you can zoom in on and see streets. According to this I will have a freeway in my backyard. So much for living in the country.
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If I'm reading that correctly, they're going to run the bypass right through what is now the Stone Creek neighborhood off 1179?

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Sweet Kitten Feet said:

I think a west side loop is more needed than that. Start west of the airport somewhere and go down towards Millican. Not sure how to get that done with what already in the area, but it's just getting worse and worse on that side and they continue to put more and more people there.
This a west loop makes much more sense.

I cannot see a good purpose for an east loop, other than open up land for developers to add more "housing" projects.

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I sat through a presentation on this a couple of years ago. This map (or something similar) is what was used, it has to do with the port of Houston relocating to Freeport, and the expansion of 36 to DFW IIRC

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Maybe just have the motorcycle cops give tickets to folks entering hwy 6 doing 45 mph or immediately slamming on their brakes when entering or exiting
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Thread resurrection - public meeting announced for Nov 7, 5-7 pm at the Brazos Center.
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Looks to me that they need to extend the loop down to about where Hwy 159 hits Hwy 6. The way the have it, you will have to prohibit trucks over a certain weigbt from going straight through BCS on Hwy 6 rather than turing on Fitch and going off to the east.

As long as trucks can keep their speed up, they are going to go the shortest distance from point A to point B.
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With all the new subdivisions going in, they better get the land secured quickly. Looking at that route, looks like they will come across either by Carraba Rd or Merka. That's a little too close to my place for comfort. Maybe construction won't start till after i pass away in 20 or 30 years.
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Any thoughts on when I214 will get funded and start? Doesn't seem prudent to shelve a state/local road plan because the Fed govt might do something someday.

Also, based on the route, this doesn't appear to be focused on rerouting truck traffic, whereas I214 will definitely be that. This seems more like providing another n/s corridor for local traffic. Seems much more about being proactive in dealing with growth (and directing it east).

It does seem about 10 years late given the development on the east. Although, they have been talking about this for at least 5 years that I know of.

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The problem with another west loop is you quickly get to the river and then it becomes a multi county project and Burleson county isn't likely to want to put resources into solving a BCS traffic issue.

That problem is much better solved by having the Feds close the I214 loop. I have no idea if that is planned as I have only seen maps for I214 from Brazos County and they basically stop at the river.
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BiochemAg97 said:

The problem with another west loop is you quickly get to the river and then it becomes a multi county project and Burleson county isn't likely to want to put resources into solving a BCS traffic issue.

That problem is much better solved by having the Feds close the I214 loop. I have no idea if that is planned as I have only seen maps for I214 from Brazos County and they basically stop at the river.
As a commuter that lives west of BCS and travel in on FM 60w headed for S College Station... IT would be so helpful if Hwy 47 (now named the John Sharp Pkwy) was extended around the airport and connected to Hwy 40 (Fitch)!!!! Currently we have to travel 2818 or Welborn Rd. Fm 60w is about to open all 4 lanes to Lyons (Hwy 36) to accommodate increased traffic and those like me coming from Somerville/Brenham would love an alternative route to Fitch.
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jello123 said:

BiochemAg97 said:

The problem with another west loop is you quickly get to the river and then it becomes a multi county project and Burleson county isn't likely to want to put resources into solving a BCS traffic issue.

That problem is much better solved by having the Feds close the I214 loop. I have no idea if that is planned as I have only seen maps for I214 from Brazos County and they basically stop at the river.
As a commuter that lives west of BCS and travel in on FM 60w headed for S College Station... IT would be so helpful if Hwy 47 (now named the John Sharp Pkwy) was extended around the airport and connected to Hwy 40 (Fitch)!!!! Currently we have to travel 2818 or Welborn Rd. Fm 60w is about to open all 4 lanes to Lyons (Hwy 36) to accommodate increased traffic and those like me coming from Somerville/Brenham would love an alternative route to Fitch.

No doubt there is a need. I just don't see 47 being the way it is accomplished.

If they extend I214 from where it cross the river near riverside south to come back across the river, you could take I214 from where it crosses 60 west do the river south. They are already planning to extend Fitch as a major arterial (4-6 lanes) to rock prairie and extend rock prairie to the river. Just connect that up with I214 west of the river and you would have basically what you are asking for. Plus, if you want to go south of CS, you could continue on I214 to 6 and go toward Navasota.

Problem is none of the roads are going to be done anytime soon.
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Yeah this looks like the eastern half of the 2818 loop. It dead ends near the truck stop north of town currently. This would extend it into that field then head over toward Steep Hollow and reconnect to 2818 south.
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From the I-14 corridor study.
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etmydst said:

From the I-14 corridor study.

It would be a mistake to not have a tie in from the outer loop to the interloop that would allow traffic from Caldwell to enter College Station somewhere near Fitch.
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Yep. I don't understand taking it right through Steephollow where all these neighborhoods are. Why not move it out closer to Grasshur, or to the floodplain of Wickson Creek, where there is more open ranch land. Yes, sucks for the ranchers, but way less painful than bulldozing neighborhoods, or building a loop right next to a country neighborhood of people that moved to the country for a reason. If you choose to buy in a future subdivisions next to the highway down the road, then so be it. But I don't see plowing through he neighborhoods to do the job.

And, the proposed location seems short sighted and too close to town. 3-4 miles between loops seems too close in my mind, but what do I know.

Not sure that much can be done about it at this point. If they've already surveyed and done soils testing and such, seems to just be a formality at this point.
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It's all a formality. They're going to do exactly what they wanna do and the way they want to do it and nobody's opinion matters at all. These forums are total shows and they lack any detail and you're wasting your time when you go to them.
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One possible answer for a western bypass is to create a four-lane connection between SH 40 (William D. Fitch Pkwy) and SH 47 where it ties in to SH 60 just south of the airport. To make for an easier tie-in without having to construct an overpass or request a new railroad crossing, the Barron Road segment between W.D. Fitch and Wellborn road can be designated as SH Alt 40, and the road widened to accommodate four lanes and slightly veered north as it nears Wellborn Road in order to align with the current Capstone Drive railroad crossing. Capstone would then also be designated as SH Alt 40 and widened to a four lane as well. A new section of highway could be built between the current west end of Capstone Drive to connect to North Dowling Rd, to continue to the hairpin turn near Aggie Acres. From that point, it is a straight shot to connect to SH 47, skirting the south edge of Easterwood Airport and minimizing the land needed for construction.
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