I'm starting a new thread because the other thread title would be confusing.
December 8 and 9 are looking pretty good.

December 8 and 9 are looking pretty good.

wow.. that site is super cool! hadn't seen it before.Tailgate88 said:
See a Satellite Tonight
I agree, but in fairness, I stole it from some other thread here a year ago or so. I wish I could give credit to whoever actually posted it first but I don't recall.theNetSmith said:wow.. that site is super cool! hadn't seen it before.Tailgate88 said:
See a Satellite Tonight
thanks, Tailgate!
I saw it too. Higher than I expected for 22 degrees over the horizon.NateDog said:
ISS tonight was very visible tonight & should be even better next two nights!
Thanks for the heads up.
eta: tonight tonight
Easily the brightest thing in the sky, plus Mars so visible, and Saturn/Jupiter getting closer together.curry97 said:
Very bright tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
Again, thanks for this link. I saw ISS, some rando R/B, and Hubble tonight. I haven't really been looking for anything in a while since the iridium satellite flares are going out of orbit and the app I used to use no longer works (SatTracker?). I'm not as fond of Heavens Above, but because of this site I can get my bearings a little easier and supplement it with HA. Unfortunately the site didn't work great on my tablet.Tailgate88 said:
See a Satellite Tonight
BaitShack said:
SON OF A NUTCRACKER: Thanks, BaitShack, for the time correction:BaitShack said:
I think it's Sunday Morning.scd88 said:
I have set a calendar event for the Sunday evening pass.
BaitShack said:I think it's Sunday Morning.scd88 said:
I have set a calendar event for the Sunday evening pass.
TChaney said:
Came over to double check the times and bump for tomorrow morning and Monday morning.
Time: Sun Dec 20 6:19 AM, Visible: 6 min, Max Height: 51 degrees, Appears: WSW,
Disappears: NNE