This is a screencap from the Plaza history video released last year.

Some things of note:
- That big barn structure in the background looks like it might be part of the waterslide alluded to from the nostalgia threads.
- Gulf was later Chevron, of course, it was closed and demolished in the mid-2000s
- The Exxon was originally a Shell, apparently
- I don't even see Poplar Street, and if I do, it's probably just the empty lots post-the houses there and pre-Adult Video.

Some things of note:
- That big barn structure in the background looks like it might be part of the waterslide alluded to from the nostalgia threads.
- Gulf was later Chevron, of course, it was closed and demolished in the mid-2000s
- The Exxon was originally a Shell, apparently
- I don't even see Poplar Street, and if I do, it's probably just the empty lots post-the houses there and pre-Adult Video.