Who remembers---

153,196 Views | 598 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by MarvinF
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Sneakers was in the old Cashion Cain - The Christmas Store building, guess it was torn down to make room for Ozona or another restaurant close by.
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everytime we went by the Mazzios building, it looked like it was closed and I never saw any cars in the parking lot. I just assumed it was closed
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Here is a question for all of you.

About 10 years ago on Harvey, before the Office Max and Sonic went up there was a really weird building, it was brown, all angles and very long. When I moved here in 1998, it was a church, a salon, and I want to say a location for Thunder Computers. What was it originally?
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Wasn't that the Sneakers place? Prior home the Christmas Store/Cashion Cane?
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Isn't that now the car wash?

Some of you old fogies (myself, included) can remember Beverly Braley's on Texas Avenue in the Townshire Shopping Center. Classiest clothes in town. I still have a White Stag pantsuit I bought there in 1967. I'm not saying I could wear it now. But I kept it because it shows how many times I raised the hem. (c. 1967)

The Texan was a burger joint drive in long before it was a classy restaurant. (c. 1955)

Clayton's was another classy restaurant on South College, I think. In fact, my date and I ate there after a formal dance one night. I wore opera length white gloves through the whole meal because I had died my hair black the night before and no one told me the dye would stain my hands....forever! (c. 1964)

Sbsia Dining Hall was the best restaurant in town where a family of four could eat for $5 on Sunday and have food left over. (c. 1956)

The ONLY restaurant that was open for Christmas dinner was in the Plantation Shopping Center where Morgan Fitzgerald's is now. (c. 1963)

The best frito pie in town was at the A&M Consolidated High School snack bar, now the A&M Consolidated Middle School gym. (c. 1966)

If you had a note from your parents, you could smoke near the "smoking tree" beside the creek that ran beside the A&M CHS campus on Jersey Street. The tree is still there but the street is now George Bush Drive. (c. 1960)

Mrs. Junek in the A&M Consolidated Elementary school cafeteria (now the Barbara Bush Parenting Center on George Bush Drive) made the best Shoo Fly Pie. (c. 1959)

There's lots more.....on Project HOLD athttp://HOLD.cstx.gov
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The smoking tree is still there? It didnt get lung cancer from second hand smoke?
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Was the center where Morgan Fitzgerald's is now even around in the 60's? I think the Plantation Shopping Center was a block south of Townshire, accross the street, near the Kroger. It has/had pinkish brick.

Its last tenant moved out a few months ago, or like 1984 said with Mazzio's, there are never any cars there now when I drive by.

1984- I think it was still open when you drove by, I remember eating pizza there when you would have been in high school.
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Maverick, that weird building was Cashion Cain, later Sneakers, I'm sure it was a few other things that you remember. Edit: as I recall, it was Cashion Cain, then a few other things, and/or maybe Sneakers, then briefly Cashion Cain again. An internet search for CC brings up an address on University Dr. I don't ever remember that, must not have been there for too long...

CC and Wolf Pen Car wash were about the only things over there in that part of Harvey, they definately co-existed, the car wash did not replace that building.

Article: Cashion Cain remembers Cashion Cain

[This message has been edited by Scotch (edited 12/12/2008 12:32a).]
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I remember the club at Doux Chene. That place was a rockkin!!!
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That club area at Doux Chene was also once an "upscale" restaurant called The Mansard House.
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Slyk - Maybe Peppers was in the Dairy Palace building. I can't remember that. I moved here when I was 9 years old in 1977.

I do remember the Cashion Cain store and LOVED it. I couldn't wait until Christmas to walk through and look at all the pretties they had. I don't remember it co-existing with the car wash, but maybe they were both there at one time.

cstxag90 - I do remember Kelly's Store!!! My brother and I used to walk down and play some video games and there. They only had a couple of them, but it was fun. And you are right...there wasn't much at that end of town.

I also remember living on Celinda Circle in 1977 when Deacon was the last street in Southwood Valley...we used to walk through the "woods" to find the pond. (Which is now the little pond at Brothers Park)

Wow - some of you all have thought of things I would of never remember. Thanks!
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What part of Celinda cir did you live? On the north end in the cul-de-sac or the other way? I knew a couple people that lived there back in the day.
smilin bob
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Speaking of Townshire Shopping Center who remembers Jarrot's Pharmacy, Congdons Bakery or the original location of Tokyo Steakhouse.
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any body remember kelley's corner store? on the corner of Longmire and Deacon? That place was awesome, had a fry machine...
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I remember hunting meadowlarks with a bb gun in the pasture behind where Krogers sits now. Don't recall ever bringing one down..
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I lived in Durango Apts back in '81 and we used to play football behind in the fields where the Kroger Shopping Center is now. Anyone remeber Dr. G's and Lakeview Club? Anyone go to ROXZ in Post Oak Mall? I used to walk there and back from Plantation Oaks Apts. Sundance was pretty cool (in the Hilton).
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I do not remember any of those- except plantatin oaks and the sundance in the hilton.
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I remember going to the ROXZ and Lake View many times!!!

But for some reason I really don't remember leaving that many times.

kelley's corner store

Hell yea!!!! When we first moved to BCS we lived in the 4-plexes there at Longmire and Deacon.

[This message has been edited by BVD (edited 12/13/2008 10:36a).]
smilin bob
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I got kicked out of the Lakeview club and bannished when I was 18.
carpe vinum
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impressive Bob, I didn't catch my first lifetime ban until Graham Central Station...
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There is talk about Blinn renting out the former Albertsons in Townshire again, now that the Villa Maria campus is maxed out. That would be interesting.
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The Wendy's on Texas Ave has taken down all their signs and the lights were off this evening.

Did they close or are they remodeling?

[This message has been edited by BVD (edited 12/13/2008 5:55p).]
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I remember Jarrot's and Congdon's and Tokyo Steakhouse! I even remember old Mrs. Congdon all but patting down Debby S's wedding guests and asking each of them if they had taken her forks.

And since they are closing the MSC for a while....anyone remember having receptions in the Serpentine Lounge? The gun Collection upstairs in that tiny room? The bowling alley down below and the pictures of the twin girls in cadet uniforms from the early days of A&M?

Mockingbird Ag
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Who remembers when Charli's was on Texas Ave where Taco Cabana is now and when Interurban Restaurant was open where Fox & Hound is now?
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Didn't there used to be a club called "707 Texas" located at 707 Texas Ave. near today's On The Border?
carpe vinum
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Club 707 I vaguely recall,
up on the 2nd floor the place was quite small.
We caught a live band there once back in the day
Charli's was there but there didn't stay.

Mama's Pizza was there too but also did go
about the same story with Audio/Video.
What else was there? out in the back?
Next to the field, was that Radio Shack?

Not far from there a block and not more
Was the city’s finest little record store.
Just across Lincoln sat racks and racks
Of all of our favorite vinyl and 8 tracks.

The name escapes me, it’s one I can’t drop
But was next to the cleaners turned Yamaha shop.
I had a bright yellow one it was a sight to see
Boy it was fast and sounded like a pissed bumble bee.

Owned by the Fishers, cash only no loans
That stupid dirt bike it broke many bones.
No worry Doc Walton could mend them
What a great man I really miss him.

T.O. Jr's office still stands
even though it has changed many hands.
Ills major or minor, some just from fears
Dr. Walton took care of me for a great many years.

[This message has been edited by cstxag90 (edited 12/14/2008 6:47a).]
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There use to be a small pool hall on Harvey behind the old Double Dave's, it is a Laundry mat now. It was called “Aggie something” This was ’85, a really nice guy owned and ran the place he opened around 4, had a different pool special every day, cool little place.

Those were the days……….

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I don't remember it being called Aggie something (but it could've). Wasn't it Brew-n-Cue or something like that? Didn't the guy that ran the place have a stutter when he talked?
Kitten With A Whip
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The name escapes me, it’s one I can’t drop
But was next to the cleaners turned Yamaha shop.
I had a bright yellow one it was a sight to see
Boy it was fast and sounded like a pissed bumble bee.

Owned by the Fishers, cash only no loans
That stupid dirt bike it broke many bones.
No worry Doc Walton could mend them
What a great man I really miss him.

HA.. Thats cute. Btw.. Joe Fischer lives in Dime Box now. I bought a scooter from him back in the mid 80's.
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I don't remember it being called Aggie something (but it could've). Wasn't it Brew-n-Cue or something like that? Didn't the guy that ran the place have a stutter when he talked?

Brew-n-Cue that is right not sure where I got the Aggie(something), it has been a day or so since then. I don't remember a stutter but I didn't remember the name either. I do remember it being a nice place to get a beer, a conversation and play some pool.
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I think it was Beef n Brew (where the Tap is now?) Maybe I'm dreaming!

Slyk, I used to live in the house on the corner of Celinda Cr. and Deacon. I think the house has green trim? It's on the side closest to Southwood Valley. I only lived in that house about a year in 1977. (I was in the 5th grade then) Where did you live?
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Speaking of The Tap location, does anyone remember when it was Frank's Bar & Grill? We used to go there for lunch sometimes during high school when off campus lunches were still allowed and we had nearly an hour.(and yes, just to eat!) Ahh the good ole' days...

Without mentioning full last names I know Donnie (aka Stephen) P. I believe he lived right across the street from you and Gedon B. lived down in the cul-de-sac on the right side. This was all back in the 80's so I don't know if they were there in the late 70's when you were. I still see both of them on rare occasion. Neither one of them live there now.
I lived a few miles from there, on the other side of TX ave, not in SW Valley.

AFAIK- For Beef n Brew, I believe that was a separate place, no affiliation with Brew n Cue. I believe Beef n Brew came after.
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Slyk...I don't recognize those names (but then again my memory is slow these days :-) I only remember the Collins living across the street from us and the Cassells (sp?) living on the cul-de-sac. I only lived on Celinda for a year though, then later in 79 or 80 until I graduated high school in 85, I lived on Normand Circle.

Thanks everyone for great memories of BCS in earlier days!
Rufus T. Aggie
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The Tap started out as the C & S Transit Company. The main part of the building is actually a railroad depot they brought in from Waller. After C & S it was Beef & Brew. I thought Frank's was east of Beef & Brew where Zephyr's was in the shopping center.
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Frank's Bar and Grill was definitely in the Zephyr location in the middle part of the Woodstone Center. We spent a lot of time there in the early 80s. They had awesome homemade chips and dip and good burgers.

Frank Fields later opened a larger Frank's where Fox and Hound is now. It wasn't the same and didn't last long. He also owned Cenare at one point.
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