BSD said:
hopeandrealchange said:
AllTheFishes said:
BenderRodriguez said:
AllTheFishes said:
But it's not the bureaucrats that's are going to suffer. They are still ensconced in DC. However, I would advise not planning a summer trip to a national park this year.
This reminds of the petty stuff Obama pulled during the govt shutdown, like barricading off monuments on the national mall.
But honestly, whatever. Shut down the natl parks for a summer.
Still need to make cuts.
I'm not arguing that cuts shouldn't be made, but where they are made is what matters.
I'm a hunter and fisherman and generally enjoy our national public lands. There is a big difference between cutting bad spending and not having a government at all. That's called anarchy and I don't think anybody wants that.
This isn't going to cause the national parks or forest to be shut down. It's just going to mean fewer people working at them. So when the drunk guy at the campsite next to you won't shut up there won't be a ranger to come take them to sleep it off and your families has to put up with it. Longer lines at entrances. Not stopping the idiots spray painting or defacing our parks. I could go on and on about the little things and it all adds up.
If you really want to burn it all down and start from scratch, understand that the scope of damage that will be done in the process likely will not be recoverable. I don't that that's an over the top statement full of internet hyperbole I truly believe it.
If our debt is not brought under control there will be nothing left to burn down. We are bankrupt and drastic actions are the only hope. Parks should be the least of our worries at this point.
I'm all for bringing down bureaucracy because you're right, our debt is way out of control. But two things can be true at the same time. The parks should absolutely be taken care of.
Here's the thing, we're the United States of ****ing America. We have enough money for the parks. Even if you don't want tax dollars going to it, here's one way to do it: double the admission price. It's been way under market relative to other vacation type prices for way too long. Taking a 7 day pass to Yosemite from $35 to $70 will still be 85% cheaper than one day admittance for a family of four to Disney. Boom. Revenue is doubled with no drop off on attendance. And for folks that complain about not being "fair" from their $900 cell phones…well they aren't the people that typically go to parks anyways.
Technically amigo, we don't. Last I checked I think we were in the $37 TRILLION in debt range.
Debt. As in "we owe this money to somebody else because we borrowed it because we have had a century of unabetted and unfettered spending without anybody actually doing anything close to a real live budget (not the made up crap from the Clinton years)"
But you are right, two things can be true - problem is that the second you start making exceptions as to why this program or that spending or this money should be spared the axe, you perpetuate the current situation. And we, frankly speaking, cannot perpetuate it any more. And like Trump or not, he was elected and one of the platforms he ran on was doing exactly what he is doing. I suppose most people may have thought it was just campaign promises, but apparently he is at least trying.
I doubt seriously that the USDA is going to be put in the grave. Nor will the national parks service be killed off completely. They may have to learn to run leaner and more efficient though, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that in any capacity whatsoever.
A taxpayer
A hunter
A fisherman
A person that likes having national parks and forests and uses them
A person that likes clean water and clean air
A person that is beyond tired of his taxes continually increasing with zero actual accountability on where those taxes go