Exactly which criminals with guns are hiding in the USDA and Dept. of Interior?
These are folks who have dedicated their lives to helping farmers and ranchers and protecting and preserving our nations outdoors. I don't understand the vitriol aimed at them?
But that is the way the mind works on this . . . .
Extreme crimes on the part of shady, nefarious government actors are pre-supposed even if not explainable.
The rooting out this undefinable gang of criminals is the end that justified the Chris Farley, Bull in a China shop like means employed to cut down on government employees.
I would rather Trump and his gang stick with the argument that we have just overstaffed and over hired for a long time now and the gig is up and we need to make cuts. Literally no one can argue against that. But approaching a reduction in federal spending from a deficit angle either makes people fall asleep or risks Reps getting thrown at at midterms. I have zero faith that our congress would ever undertake a sincere, detailed, and long term approach to balancing the budget.
So we are sticking with the holy war against the murderous deep state criminals that no one can even point to blah blah blah. I find it a little amazing that people actually think this way but here we are.