In true OB tradition, my recommendation involves a higher HP (and $$) tractor. My 2004 Kubota 3830 (bought new) has the "GST" (Glide Shift Transmission), and it has been flawless in operation, and for me, better than HST's I have used. Very simple to use, while incredibly versatile.
12 Forward/8 Reverse gears.
It's available on the Grand L60 series of tractors.
The 3-point lift cylinders being external to the tractor also provide lift numbers well beyond comparable size tractors.
What Is Kubota GST Transmission?To better understand what is a GST transmission on a Kubota tractor, you should know how to drive one. The operation of
Kubota farm tractors with GST is similar to the powershift transmission of big agricultural tractors.
So, how does a Kubota GST transmission differ from other types of transmissions? One of the main differences is that it has a
main gear shift lever and a shuttle shift lever. You can operate the shuttle shift lever by lifting it up and pushing it forward for forward motion and pushing it backward for reverse.
The gear shift lever is usually located on the left side of the operator seat. The gear switching is simple and only requires pushing the lever to the desired operating gear. NRA Life