My recommendation- turn around, walk away, and forget you ever had this idea. Otherwise, in a few years, you will be 10 miles back in the wilderness, suffering through a miserable hike in the most God-forsaken terrain imaginable, on day 8 without seeing a single elk, for the 4th trip in a row, freezing and cold, cursing the very existence of big game, and questioning your own tedious grasp on reality.
In all reality- you need 2 friends.
1) a great tech at a high quality bow shop. Take a few hours and go shoot every bow they will let you. Don't worry primarily about marketing, features, or price. Make your decision on what fits you the best, and what you shoot most naturally. Learn the fundamentals of shooting, get with a mentor if possible (YouTube can help), get a target at home and practice every day.
2) If you live in TX, it would help to know someone with property/access who bow hunts. If you have property, you will find no shortage of new friends willing to come teach you bow hunting- choose carefully. An experienced bow hunter can help reduce your learning curve literally by years. Go with them. Watch everything they do, take copious mental notes. Start out shooting pigs or does. Learn how to judge distance, timing for drawing back & shooting, holding, and what angles to shoot/not shoot. Don't worry about shooting a buck/bull. There is SO much to learn before you get in that situation.
I hope you enjoy being broke, miserable, frustrated, and alone- with fleeting moments of ecstasy. If that sounds fun- welcome to the brotherhood of suffering!!!