Our hens are ~5-6 months old and just started laying eggs. Some of the eggs have a bunch of white specs as shown in attached picture. I've read different things that it could be (e.g. calcium deficiency, lack of water, etc.).
Anyone had this issue with their hens before? Our breeds are listed below:
1. Rhode Island Red
2. Easter Egger (pictures egg is def. Not one of theirs)
3. Black Australorp
4. Barred Plymouth Rock (I'm thinking the pictures egg may be one of theirs)
More concerned if a feed adjustment is needed to ensure they are as healthy as can be. Currently on layer feed with access to plenty of water. Any advice or wisdom is appreciated.
Anyone had this issue with their hens before? Our breeds are listed below:
1. Rhode Island Red
2. Easter Egger (pictures egg is def. Not one of theirs)
3. Black Australorp
4. Barred Plymouth Rock (I'm thinking the pictures egg may be one of theirs)
More concerned if a feed adjustment is needed to ensure they are as healthy as can be. Currently on layer feed with access to plenty of water. Any advice or wisdom is appreciated.

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
-Matthew 6:34
-Matthew 6:34