I would skip the discing. It's not necessary for what food plotters are trying to do, and is not helpful to the soil health, or weed control. It's good for farmers, because they need to plant row crops.
I'm assuming you are using an ATV / UTV based on the product you posted. I have between 3-4 acres that I plant every year using a UTV, sprayer / brush hog (spray or crimp in the spring depending on what's planted and mow in the fall usually), and a shoulder bag spreader.
https://packermaxx.com/collections/cultipackers/products/pmx8hdThe above will let you cover a lot of ground quickly. I have their crimper / cultipacker combo, and while the crimper can be nice, you have to have the right plant (cereal rye in my experience, other cereals mature too late) at the right time (first weekend of April) for it to be really effective. It seems like most of our spring rains in my area are in March, so I ended up spraying and cultipacking the spring planting this year.
All you really need is a sprayer and a broadcaster, but the cultipacker does help a lot with germination.
The only things you will be limited on planting are soybeans and cowpeas, but you really have to be planting four - six acres or so to get them to take without getting wiped out by deer. I've tried smaller areas and the deer hoover them back to the dirt.