*Current Listing of what is available*
Item 1: Henderson Precision Trimmer
Item 2: Primal Rights Comp Primer Seater SPF
Item 3: EP Integrations Annealer SPF
Item 4: MEC Marksmen Press x1
Item 5: AutoTrickler v3 + A&D FX-120i Scale SPF
Life events have dictated that I can no longer reload for my precision rifles. As such, I will be selling all of my equipment, and posting it here over the next few weeks as I pull items off the bench, catalogue the parts, and get photos. Fortunately, the rifles aren't going anywhere, but with a heavy heart, the sale of my reloading stash must begin, and it all has to go.
If you need additional photos or info, I can be reached at: username all one word at the yahoo address.
There will be equipment for all phases of reloading:
Brass prep - Trimming, Annealing, Priming
Loading - Powder throw/weight, Presses, Dies, etc
Components - Brass, Powder, Primers
First item: Generation 3 Henderson Precision case trimmer: ($780 Value)
This comes with the following extras:
1) Henderson Precision dust cover ($70 value)
2) Bass shaving containment bin ($50 value)
3) Three trimmer heads - 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm ($120 value)
4) InLine Fab base plate ($80 value)
Trimmer was used to trim only 200 cases of 6.5mm. The trimmer is in nearly brand new with less than a half hour of trim time on the motor.
Price: $800 for everything above. If shipping, we can figure out a ship cost and split it.

2nd Item: Primal Rights CPS - Competition Primer Seater ($675 value) SPF
If you hand prime...you'll never do it again after using this. Comes just as if purchased from the factory with small and large primer rod, small and large primer tube. I can include the 2x6 for free
. I currently have a Lee #2 priming shell holder in the CPS, and can include that if needed. The seater is like new, used to prime only 300 pieces of brass. Handle can be switched between left and right side.

Price: $600. If shipped, we split the ship cost.
Third Item: EP Integrations v2.0 Brass Annealer ($268 value)
Annealer comes with:
- Fully adjustable EP integrations annealer
- Torch head
- Torch support
- "Catch Basin" aka metal kitchen pan

Price: $200. Like the other stuff - split the ship cost if not a FTF transaction.
Fourth Item: MEC Marksman Rifle Reloading Press
I have 2 of theses single stage presses. One that I had set up with a deprime die, and was a dedicated deprime press. The other was set up for sizing and bullet seating. Both presses come with:
1) MEC Marksman Press (Value: $250)
2) Short handle for a more compact throw (Long handle comes from MEC, will be included) Value: $30
3) MEC press stand (Value: $35)

Price: $225 takes the Press + Stand + Extra handle. I have 2 of these. Will sell both for $400.
Fifth Item: AutoTrickler v3 + A&D FX-120i Scale
Probably my favorite piece of reloading equipment, and the item that I will miss the most. Comes with scale, auto throw, auto trickle, and a full Area 419 Upgrade kit. In total, parts and upgrade pieces worth $1,100.

Price: $900 all powder throw components - scale, auto throw, auto trickle, and all 419 upgrade parts.
If someone wants everything shown here - presses, primer seating, brass trimming, annealing and scale - I can make a good deal on the entire package.
*Current Listing of what is available*
Item 1: Henderson Precision Trimmer
Item 4: MEC Marksmen Press x1
Life events have dictated that I can no longer reload for my precision rifles. As such, I will be selling all of my equipment, and posting it here over the next few weeks as I pull items off the bench, catalogue the parts, and get photos. Fortunately, the rifles aren't going anywhere, but with a heavy heart, the sale of my reloading stash must begin, and it all has to go.
If you need additional photos or info, I can be reached at: username all one word at the yahoo address.
There will be equipment for all phases of reloading:
Brass prep - Trimming, Annealing, Priming
Loading - Powder throw/weight, Presses, Dies, etc
Components - Brass, Powder, Primers
First item: Generation 3 Henderson Precision case trimmer: ($780 Value)
This comes with the following extras:
1) Henderson Precision dust cover ($70 value)
2) Bass shaving containment bin ($50 value)
3) Three trimmer heads - 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm ($120 value)
4) InLine Fab base plate ($80 value)
Trimmer was used to trim only 200 cases of 6.5mm. The trimmer is in nearly brand new with less than a half hour of trim time on the motor.
Price: $800 for everything above. If shipping, we can figure out a ship cost and split it.

If you hand prime...you'll never do it again after using this. Comes just as if purchased from the factory with small and large primer rod, small and large primer tube. I can include the 2x6 for free


Price: $600. If shipped, we split the ship cost.
Third Item: EP Integrations v2.0 Brass Annealer ($268 value)
Annealer comes with:
- Fully adjustable EP integrations annealer
- Torch head
- Torch support
- "Catch Basin" aka metal kitchen pan

Price: $200. Like the other stuff - split the ship cost if not a FTF transaction.
Fourth Item: MEC Marksman Rifle Reloading Press
I have 2 of theses single stage presses. One that I had set up with a deprime die, and was a dedicated deprime press. The other was set up for sizing and bullet seating. Both presses come with:
1) MEC Marksman Press (Value: $250)
2) Short handle for a more compact throw (Long handle comes from MEC, will be included) Value: $30
3) MEC press stand (Value: $35)

Price: $225 takes the Press + Stand + Extra handle. I have 2 of these. Will sell both for $400.
Fifth Item: AutoTrickler v3 + A&D FX-120i Scale
Probably my favorite piece of reloading equipment, and the item that I will miss the most. Comes with scale, auto throw, auto trickle, and a full Area 419 Upgrade kit. In total, parts and upgrade pieces worth $1,100.

Price: $900 all powder throw components - scale, auto throw, auto trickle, and all 419 upgrade parts.
If someone wants everything shown here - presses, primer seating, brass trimming, annealing and scale - I can make a good deal on the entire package.