I don't have any pics but I'm basically building a frame turn my 12' drag harrow for my garden into a 3 point.
So to start, I have a drill stem pipe 12' 3" long. Then I basically cut 1/4" steel that encompasses the pipe in three locations as a typical three point piece of equipment would have. Because those three pieces of steel are welded nearly complete my around the pipe, on both sides, that's 8 locations within 30" situated in the middle of this length of pipe. What that does, as steel tends to do, is create a slight bow in it. It's maybe .5-1" by the time you get to the extents.
For my purposes, this poses no issue at all and it's strong as f-. Howeve, for my own information, how would one limit this? I can always heat the pipe up and drive it between two trees and pull it straight but it would be easier to prevent a "banana" if possible. I did not consider making a hotspot with my torch on the opposite side of my weld but that is suppose to work.
How do manufcaturing facilities like John deer weld up 35' long frames and have them true?
So to start, I have a drill stem pipe 12' 3" long. Then I basically cut 1/4" steel that encompasses the pipe in three locations as a typical three point piece of equipment would have. Because those three pieces of steel are welded nearly complete my around the pipe, on both sides, that's 8 locations within 30" situated in the middle of this length of pipe. What that does, as steel tends to do, is create a slight bow in it. It's maybe .5-1" by the time you get to the extents.
For my purposes, this poses no issue at all and it's strong as f-. Howeve, for my own information, how would one limit this? I can always heat the pipe up and drive it between two trees and pull it straight but it would be easier to prevent a "banana" if possible. I did not consider making a hotspot with my torch on the opposite side of my weld but that is suppose to work.
How do manufcaturing facilities like John deer weld up 35' long frames and have them true?