Taking orders on pits, some might of saw the pics I posted last week. Offering offsets with insulated firebox and the works, with minimal lead time and cheaper than Moberg, with the same if not better quality.
What size pit in the picks? Are there some standard sizes you start with like 150 gallon tank(mentioned this size a few posts up) or 250 gallon tank etc.?
The size in the picture is a 250 gallon propane tank with the ends hacked off. We can do a 150,250,500, and 1000 or any other odd ball size in between.
Also looking for something basic that can do two briskets. Would love something well made as opposed to picking up a Pecos at Academy. Can you give an estimate on cost for entry level?
I can tell you I can't beat the price on a Pecos pit haha. Send me a message and we can talk further once I get a better idea of what you're exactly wanting.