GOBBLER DOWN! Craziest turkey hunt I've ever been on. Packing this beast out, story to follow. Holy crap what a morning!!!
So I hit the woods about 6:30 & began trying various locations to get birds to shock gobble or respond to yelps on the box call. After about two hours & not so much as a peep I was pretty frustrated. In addition to my barred owl call, there had been numerous coyotes, hawk screams, barking dogs & crows that could have caused a turkey to gobble.
About that time, I was sitting down & a boar came right at me. I had the wind & he just didn't see me. He probably would have gone right by me but I wasn't going to let that happen. Being pissed, I gave him a face full of shot at 25 yards. He spun around quickly & appeared unharmed. (he was a good 150#) Immediately after I shot a faint GOBBLEGOBBLEGOBBLE! A shotgun blast was apparently what it took to get these Toms to shock gobble!
I packed up & headed towards the sound got as close as I dared & waited 15 minutes before I yelped on the box call. Ten minutes go by & a lone hen comes silently through my setup paying no attention. I let her get some distance from me before I yelp again. More time passes & finally I hear a response gobble. I wait 10 more minutes & another hen comes through. I again let her go & then wait before yelping. 10 minutes & another gobble, closer this time.
30 minutes must have gone by, no sound no nothing. I stretch my legs & sit back down. Not 5 minutes later I begin to hear yelping in the brush. I work the slate very quietly every 10 minutes. Finally 8 hens drift into the clearing with two strutting gobblers in tow! The hens made a beeline to my decoy & I put up my call. The gobblers followed behind while the hens circled the decoy & began to give the plastic imposter the works: Pecking, bumping, fluttering wings at her. This got the Toms pretty worked up & they really put on a show, drumming, gobbling & strutting in pirouette. I had no shot as they were all flocked up around my decoy about 15 yards away. I was smiling from ear to ear this was awesome!
Finally after nice show, one gobbler drifted off to the side & I let him have it. He went down flapping & the other birds seemed incredulous! They stayed in the area & the other Tom kept strutting until I stood up.
This was a two hour setup & I got a total of 3 gobbles until they were right on me at the decoy. This was by far the longest it has ever taken me to call one in & many times I thought about picking up and moving. Patience rewarded me with a great scene at the end. 19 #, 9.5" beard, 1" spurs. It's a good thing that hog came out!
Gobbler still strutting after I shot: