It's pretty interesting to me. I laughed at my Aunt here in Austin County when she told us she came face to face with one in the woods on our property. Scared her enough that she took her deer feeder down because she was afraid it was hunting the deer around her house. Then she came to my parents scared to death because she was hearing it calling/screaming at night. I showed her a video of a lion calling and she swears that was it. My parents have heard it also. But my brother (who owns more walker hounds than a man should be allowed and is about as hardcore coyote/fox/bobcat hunter as you'll find) and I haven't been able to find evidence of tracks, etc. We cleared quite a lot of the underbrush around her house to make her feel better and there hasn't been any supposed sightings for a while now. Oh well, probably a bobcat, I've seen some pretty big ones around our place.