I built a shelf for my office room. Decided would make something permanent that any future owners of my home could use. The room is a smaller bedroom, so it would be a kids room. So I'll mount it well, and paint it with trim paint to match the rest of the house. Crap, don't have any. You know, this would be a good time to fix those window sills the previous owners dog scratched all to hell, the doors too. Well if I'm going to do that, might as well repaint all the trim, it looks pretty rough anyway.
This of course leads to saying screw it, i'll repaint the walls too.
So fixing window sills I find a set of blinds thats broken and wont adjust for the angle. Oh yeah, I'd also forgotten about the ones taped up with medical tape cause the dog broke some slats. Got to thinking, the exisitng blinds don't stop enough light to keep the glare off the TV on fall afternoons when I'm watching football. Off to Lowes to buy new blinds.
Get into my guest bathroom and see some rust on the vanity light. Had hell taking it down, the builder didn't install a junction box (don't get me started...). Well come to think about it the lights in my master bath aren't handling the humidity well either. I'll replace them too. Off to Lowes to buy new fixtures. While I'm there I find a fixture that would be awesome over the kitchen table. So i buy it too. Of course this will require moving the box, because the builder didn't center the fixture correctly. Current one is a flush mount, not hanging so it's not as bid a deal.
Painting the baseboards I decide it'll be much easier if I pull the carpet in the bedrooms. Heck it's cheap builder grade band bland builder beige anyway and horribly tromped down. So grab the utility knife and cut it out 4 inches from the walls. New carpet will be getting quoted soon.
It occurs to me. The new light fixtures are bronze, and the rest of the house is brushed nickle. The new paint goes really well with the bronze. Oh, the local Southerlands has everything in the store 17% off for St. Patrick's day? New faucets and drawer pulls!
With this much bronze, I have that awe crap moment. All the doorknobs need to be swapped out. Off to Home Depot. (BTW, the nearest Lowes is 60 miles away. Trying to save some miles and use the Home Depot in Calallen, was a mistake.)
So I move on to paint the master bedroom, bath and closet... Recognize that I need to re-caulk the tub. Dig the old caulk out and find water damage. Tear that out and realize the damage is two fold. Partly because of the bad caulking job, but also because the surround wasn't properly done with a moisture barrier. The Jacuzzi tub and the surround is now being removed to make way for a walk in shower and new linen closet. -- The tub is being posted over on Home Improvement
DID I MENTION THE SHELF ISN'T finished yet? It's on sawhorses in the garage awaiting paint!!!