FN 5.7
Light recoil, very accurate and very little drop at all pistol distances.
Light recoil, very accurate and very little drop at all pistol distances.
Second choice
quote:Agree. I have my grandfather's Woodsman and it is an accurate little gun that is cheap to practice with.
Favorite pistol for target shooting? Easy, Colt Woodsman
Favorite pistol to carry and therefore what I practice with for self defense? Easy. Glock 26
quote:If site radius is your prime objective, why not a Glock 17L?
If you're looking for a gun specifically to do target shooting with you want as long of a sight radius as possible. So if you're going Glock, it has to be a 34 or 35.
quote:I was thinking the same thing
Another Barnes original taken from
Gun Digest March 4, 2011