Great. Now I'm the one who necro'd the thread.
Yep. I guess it was because some idiot rookie off the Internet made a stupid post, and lots of us replied to him. He was removed, and I suspect any post that mentioned him was, too.Log said:
WTF?! Mods up in here deleting crap randomly again with no explanation.
Second time this has happened to me this week. First one was a gif of Tony Soprano sitting in Dr. Melfii's office saying "Bingo" on Premium. This thread was a gif of Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec saying "What the Hell just happened?" after this thread was bumped. Not vulgar, not attacking, not trolling, I'm at a loss.Log said:
WTF?! Mods up in here deleting crap randomly again with no explanation.
tlfw378 said:Quote:
"7mm-08" would translate to "7mm rifle designed in 1908."
The 308 Winchester was introduced in 1952. The 7mm-08 was the 308Win necked down to 7mm...creating the 7mm(bore)-08(308Win Cartridge).