In addition to my focus issues noted above, I am not very happy with the quality of the long term exposure photos. First the grain is out of control, even at ISO 800 it was terrible. Everything I have read about this camera suggested that its low light performance was amazing all the way up to ISO 6400... I dont recall getting this much grain out of my 5Dii ever.
I also have a second issue, which is I have a band of light that is on the edge of the sensor that shows up on my 4 second exposures and gets worse as the image exposure time increases. It looks like a stuck shutter, but it doesn't make sense why it would only show on long term exposures as a stuck shutter should impact those the least. I also shot all of these using the electronic shutter, so a stuck shutter should be impossible.
Here is a link to a dropbox folder that has two photos. is a photo taken at ISO 800, (image ending in 1739) and note how bad the grain is. I have sharpening in lightroom set to zero and its still this bad.
Second image (ending in 1718) shows the band of light on the right side of the screen. This image has even worse grain as the ISO I bumped up to 6400 to compensate for the 4.0 aperture of the lens I used.
Neither are amazing shots, but just selected to show some of the issues I am having. I just expected more out of a 5000 dollar body.