Star Wars X-Wing is a miniature game developed by Fantasy Flight Games wherein players recreate Star Wars space battles. Fantasy Flight's how-to-play video can be found here.
We have a local group that plays regularly at Clockwork Games and provided demos at Aggiecon last Friday night. We're happy to answer questions and run demos!
If you're interested in learning more, please join our Facebook page and/or comment here / message me directly.
(This seemed like the most appropriate section on these forums to place this post. Thanks!)
Star Wars X-Wing is a miniature game developed by Fantasy Flight Games wherein players recreate Star Wars space battles. Fantasy Flight's how-to-play video can be found here.
We have a local group that plays regularly at Clockwork Games and provided demos at Aggiecon last Friday night. We're happy to answer questions and run demos!
If you're interested in learning more, please join our Facebook page and/or comment here / message me directly.
(This seemed like the most appropriate section on these forums to place this post. Thanks!)