Petrino1 said:
What do you mean by not parsing well? Just save it in a Word doc and it should parse just fine with every ATS out there.
What I mean is:
1) a lot of the information ends up in all the wrong boxes, jumbled up etc. and he ends up having to rewrite everything on his applications anyway where there is manual space to fill in. I think its how his resume is formatted tbh. I saw a post by someone on here in another thread that had worked on designing ATS and gave a bunch of sons resume definitely doesnt follow those.
2) he has been "cut" from a number of job opportunities that he applied for very quickly, sometimes between 3pm on a Sat and 1am on Sunday (no human ever saw it) and a couple of those the job descriptions literally listed his skills and experience almost exactly so clearly something isnt translating well.
He is a recent MSEN grad (young engineers often arent the best writers, lets be honest) who also has both ADHD and Dyslexia. He went to the career center and the resume he has was "approved" by them but after reading stuff about ATS i see a lot of issues like its written in two columns, uses a lot of bullets, used header and footer etc etc
I was hoping to give him some actual professional help on how to write and structure his resume. I way too out of practice to help and frankly its out of my wheelhouse