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James P Shelley Resume Service

48,906 Views | 156 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by PlanoAg98
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I'm still not convinced that an experienced candidates resume has a huge impact on landing an interview unless the original resume was written in crayon. This is to your point about applying for the right job. I have not gotten a single interview from my resume from jim....but I also made it clear that I am not applying for exactly the same job I had before. That matters. I have landed interviews out of industry thriugh direct contacts who only briefly scanned my resume.

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Another thumbs up for Jim.

I dont have a service to compare him too (I've never sought out professional services for resume), but his resume style is very concise without losing what you believe to be important. I provided the content, and he reworked my existing resume to what I would consider very professional.

I am not currently looking to make a move, but may take that step in the future. I wanted to have a resume ready in case an opportunity came along before I was "ready". If anyone is in that boat and think this is something you want to do, Id encourage you to do it. It's not cheap, but what's a first impression worth to you?

It took us a few weeks to work through the draft back and forth. It wouldn't have been near the quality of resume if an opportunity came along, and I gave him 2 days to put something together. It didn't really work like that for me. It was a gradual refining process through every rendition. This is another one of those things in life that you get out what you put in. Your the content and he is the writer, so you have to actively collaborate. My two cents...

Good luck fellow ags...
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I think there is a sweet spot for James' services. Unfortunately I was not one of them. I'd echo more of Mookie's comments about the language choices being bizarre and laughingly bad in most corporate settings. James and I worked it out on the backend, but I ended up wasting time and money on the promise of something that ultimately he couldn't deliver.

Buyer beware for sure - for a first or second job it may be ok, but anything somewhat technical or closer to executive level please look elsewhere. I went against my better judgement and followed the success stories on here rather than trusting my gut based on our first set of email exchanges.

If nothing else, go into it eyes wide open.
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I also backed out based on the initial email response, which had a number of grammatical and syntactical errors. The price was worth the time it would have saved me, but I had no confidence in the quality of the product based on that email and his knowledge of the business environment. Figured I would end up spending more time doing markups than it would take to do it myself.

Edit: I have terms of art and higher level stuff that needs a good deal of knowledge to edit correctly. I'd have fewer concerns in some other professions.
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Thank you for the constructive criticism. I know that there exist upon this forum minds far sharper than mine. I don't know more than engineers, accountants, Landmen (Landpersons) professors, judges, or other professionals. Aside from what I have learned, and learn every day, about the engineering, accounting, medicine, O&G, or legal professions, I wouldn't in the field last a minute in those shoes absent their education and experience. If I were to retain or commission their services I would do so knowing "This is what they do". For not being trained in their discipline, I wouldn't recognize correct from incorrect, or true from false. I'd have to trust that they know what they're doing. I exercise that philosophy when I visit my doctor, lawyer, mechanic. What they tell me 99% I believe certain (I reserve 1% as a self-professed doubter).

I confess my emails don't always appeal to a recipient's expectations. Individually I author every email, never cutting-and-pasting language that presents in a boiler-plate or auto-reply manner. The manner in which I communicate is very conversational and, in an effort to keep-it-simple, employ language that might run the opposite of a corporate presentation. Might it be long-winded sometimes. Might? I digress. My emails (and some posts) have been known to contain a spelling or grammatical error. Sometimes I catch them. Sometimes I miss them (Think: Dictated, but not read). Because personally I author every email, and it consumes a great deal of time, in haste I'm prone to error. I've been known to include a disclaimer that informs the reader that the concluding document for which I'm being considered, the resume, will arrive error free having received a comprehensive visual and electronic examination. My emails: Not so much. I'll be working on that, thank you.

When I present a resume I have authored to a client, I know that my client will receive a document with language employed in a manner in which they might be not entirely comfortable. They will read language that has been authored with an emphasis on clarity and conciseness. Further, I'll express to my client that they don't have to be comfortable with the language, for it necessarily wasn't authored for them. I'll explain that the language I employ is for the primary recipient... the person who will be on the receiving end of the document.. trying... wanting to qualify the candidate (my client). I'll tell my client that when they've 6 seconds to capture the attention of that recipient, and hold it, every single word must count. Every single word must have a purpose. Every single word that absolutely is unnecessary... every single punctuation mark that absolutely doesn't have to be employed... saves time. 6 seconds.

Is it going to pass an examination by an English professor? Likely not. However, it will capture the attention of the primary recipient. Further, a keyword scanner cares not so much about punctuation or syntax inasmuch as it's looking for keywords... word strings... and when it's "checking off" the candidate-requisite requirements and qualifications, you don't want to leave unchecked boxes. None. It's a huge challenge, not one I take lightly, and I'll go to great lengths to improve my client's position respective to other candidates vying for the same opportunity. Candidates like his or her friends, co-workers, and bosses. When I'm working on behalf of my client, his or her friends, coworkers, or bosses concern me not. They can hire their own writer. It's that matter of fact.

The clients that turn to my service haven't been attaining desired results with their existing resume. They've tried modifying their resumes... they've had friends and associates offer advice. They've turned to family for direction. And, oftentimes they arrive at the same result: No connections. When what someone has been trying to achieve isn't producing the results they desire... alternatives must be considered. Those alternatives might not align with what they've been seeing, or hearing about, forever.

I believe my clients turn to me for to commence and conclude a process for which entirely they can't be objective. There's no shortage of subjectivity, but that approach isn't always in their interests. Client-driven revisions are part and parcel of my business. Occasionally a client will proceed to request revisions and modifications that otherwise would conclude with a document that near mirrors the originating document (the original resume). I've had a few conversations asking why I was commissioned if they only wanted a document with which they felt comfortable. Would it be easier to tell the client what they want to hear? Would it be easier to employ only the language with which they felt most comfortable? Would it save me time to take the path most easily traveled? Would the client emerge from the exercise with a document they loved? The answer to those questions is a YES! This is when a "Yes Man" approach would be easy. However, I don't take the easy route... I try to leave my client better positioned than that in which they arrived when first consulting with me. I try to improve upon it. Am always I successful? No. Not always.

The number of views of the originating post illustrates that resumes are a topic that draws great interest. What is the best resume? Why so many opinions? What is the best resume format? There are a million questions... and because everyone's position, situation, and circumstances are different, a resume that might be correct and proper for one client/candidate might not resonate with another client/candidate.

In conclusion, thank you to all of the people who have posted in this thread. From every criticism and every accolade I learn something. Thank you.

I won't hijack this thread. Via email I do welcome inquiries and comments and to the best of my ability promptly will respond.
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He spent more time on that post than my resume

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MookieBlaylock said:

He spent more time on that post than my resume

30 minutes.

Mookie, it's been six months and from you still I haven't received an email. Please, would you take a moment to reestablish communication with me, via email? I'd like to revisit your document... review the opportunities for which you've been applying... and get to the bottom of the challenge.

I don't bite. Hard.

Have a great Sunday, Mookie. I look forward to hearing from you.
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He'd rather get on here and complain. More of an indictment on him than you, in my opinion.
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You should be able to figure out who I am I work for a fortune 50 shipping company

Email me if you really want to help
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I've heard a lot of good things about your service but damn that read like a Geoff Ketchum post.
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You're willing to spend 30 minutes on a single TexAgs post (?!?!?!), but then wait 13 days to view for responses???
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James I used to have a resume service that I did on the side. I didn't last very long because it's such a brutal job. Having to deal with difficult, know-it-all customers who were never satisfied was the worst. Eventually having to "stalk" people to track down payments led me to quit doing this. It just wasn't worth the time and effort. The great customers I had who paid promptly and were genuinely appreciative were amazing, but they were few and far between.

Dealing with people's resumes is like dealing with their babies, people get very defensive if you criticize their resume. People think they know better than you how their resume should look like. With customers like that, they should write their own resume!

The truth is, work experience is more important than how your resume looks. You can have the best looking resume in the world, but if you were a greeter at Walmart then you're not going to land a dream job at google.
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You should be able to figure out who I am I work for a fortune 50 shipping company
Email me if you really want to help

I am unable to figure out who are you. Many clients I serve are from A&M, and their projects are filed by name, not profession/industry/field. I'm sorry, but I have no idea your true identify. Please, connect with me and we'll go from there. You are welcome to telephone or email. It would be my pleasure hearing from you.

I've heard a lot of good things about your service but damn that read like a Geoff Ketchum post.

Thank you. I was aiming for the Hank Ketchum angle. Close.

You're willing to spend 30 minutes on a single TexAgs post (?!?!?!), but then wait 13 days to view for responses???

30 from 840 gives me wiggle room for projects. The ball had left my court. Thank you.

James I used to have a resume service that I did on the side. I didn't last very long because it's such a brutal job. Having to deal with difficult, know-it-all customers who were never satisfied was the worst. Eventually having to "stalk" people to track down payments led me to quit doing this. It just wasn't worth the time and effort. The great customers I had who paid promptly and were genuinely appreciative were amazing, but they were few and far between.

Dealing with people's resumes is like dealing with their babies, people get very defensive if you criticize their resume. People think they know better than you how their resume should look like. With customers like that, they should write their own resume!

The truth is, work experience is more important than how your resume looks. You can have the best looking resume in the world, but if you were a greeter at Walmart then you're not going to land a dream job at google.

So... you lived the dream! Yes, some clients can be challenging, but that is part and parcel of the job. One objective is to inspire the client to recognize their own subjectivity, and how that might be compromising the results they desire to obtain from their self-authored resume. I've reviewed stellar examples of self-authored resumes of prospective clients, and I don't pursue the project. If an existing resume is working for you, you don't need a new one.

Since 2006 I've been earning a living authoring resumes. I love my job.

While a greeter from Wal-Mart may not land a dream job at Google, they might get their foot in the door. The objective of the resume is only to improve the chances for receiving an invitation for a connection... an interview... face time.
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I just utilized Jim Shelley to rewrite/update my resume, and was pleased with the final result. Jim proved to be very collaborative and responsive, and his fee was very reasonable.
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I recently utilized Jim's service and couldn't be happier. After reading the mixed reviews here, I frankly was skeptical. Honestly, I was hoping someone would just post a sample of his work somewhere and I would follow (copy) the format. However, I took the leap and contacted Jim about his services regarding a position I wished to pursue.

Jim's product is definitely more than just the formatting. He took over 13 pages of notes and consolidated them into three pages of content that spoke directly to the job opening. I understand everyone's industry is different and that some resumes may work in one area but not another. In my case at least, I walked away pleased with the product as it's definitely better than what I could have done alone and I would highly recommend Jim to others.
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As a recruiting professional, buyer beware.

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Unthought Known said:

As a recruiting professional, buyer beware.

aren't you and mookie brothers? makes sense.
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Unthought Known said:

Ragoo said:

Unthought Known said:

As a recruiting professional, buyer beware.

aren't you and mookie brothers? makes sense.
Because of that, I saw the results. As a recruiting professional, I was not impressed.

as a recruiting professional care to elaborate? your interjection in this thread comes across more as a big brother than an impartial "in the profession" comment.
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A monkey and a keyboard? Wow.
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Yeah, not coming off as a personal vendetta at all.
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Ridge14 said:

400 dollars?
That's pocket change for what a good resume will do for you. Small, even TINY investment.
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If you are going to bash the service, use specific examples, not hyperbole.
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You're right.
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People are free to use or not use Jim's service. I don't have a ton of disposable income, but I was more than happy to pay the reasonable fee for Jim's services and was happy with the resume he created for my wife, who ended up getting a great job because of it.
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A three page resume? Seems insane to me.
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Not sure what all the experts are talking about above.

Contacted James as my resume needed some freshening up. His customer service/ communication throughout the process is refreshing. With so many modes of communication, people often forget to talk. The final product concisely highlighted my experience and, I am not an 'expert' in resume engineering; but I believe it made me more marketable and enhanced/broadened my opportunities. Landed a phenomenal opportunity in a great city with a great company. Cheers to Jim.
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A three page resume? Seems insane to me.
That's what happens when you are good at your job and have more than 1 year of experience. If a 'recruiting professional' wants a condensed, low meat, 1 pager, he should hit up the new grads. It depends on the job you have and your career. I knew career veterans that did the same job their entire lives. One page for them is probably suitable. But If you have worked over 10 years and been promoted through various roles all of which are pertinent to a new job, then 3 pages isn't crazy at all.

As for the 'recruiting professional' slamming work....I was unemployed for 2 years. I worked with these so called 'recruiting professionals' very often. Recruiting professionals commentary is worth exactly what you paid for it. I'd take any opinion from one with a grain of salt unless you personally know how they are or can produce valuable feedback and specifics on what it is that they dislike.
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3 page resumes are quite common - if the content is there, that can be completely appropriate. I'm a bit surprised by all of the push back for a resume service. It's one thing to be disappointed and work it out with him directly; but, it's another thing to come on here and take shots at someone's livelihood.

At the end of the day, a resume is simply a tool. I've seen great resumes that won't be appropriate for a role and vice versa. If you are trying to switch industries, I 100% recommend getting professional help (Teacher/Military transitioning to Industry, etc). That could be with James or someone else; but, the biggest issue that I come across is that people leave so many options open that the person reading your resume has to do all of the work.
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I give Jim my endorsement and for those who are skeptical, I ask that you read the following ...

I first employed Jim's assistance in July '17 after just completing my master's degree. At the time, I was attempting to make a career transition into a completely unrelated field from my current industry and needed a professional's guidance on a resume transformation. Specifically, restructuring bullet points to include precise verbiage for the new profession while retaining core components from my present job. After a month of back-and-forth email correspondence, I perceived that I finally had a resume that would make me a competitive candidate.

This was not the case! I spent 11 months applying for a plethora of jobs only to have one interview. Not to be naive, I understand that most of my failed attempts were due to factors beyond the resume. However, I still felt that it could be better.

I reached out to Jim in early June 2018 and explained my situation. Specifically that I had previously enlisted his service and wasn't having luck applying for jobs. More to the point, my resume still contained a tone proprietary to my current position and not reflective of the new industry in which I am attempting to transition.

Jim was sympathetic. After 40+ email correspondence and a phone conversation, I finally have a resume that I believe will land me a new job.

Was it a struggle? You bet.

Is Jim worth it? Every penny and then some.

Jim didn't have to go out of his way to help me redo my resume but he did. I gladly vouch for his service and hope that anyone who uses him in the future has just of great of an experience.
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That doesn't read as a ringing endorsement like you seem to think it does.
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