aggie93 said:
We toured Stanford, Duke, UNC/NC State (they have a joint program for Biomed Eng which is his interest) and A&M. Still plan to go to Georgia Tech and maybe Rice and we will go by UT since we are in Austin. That said I've been the one trying to get him to look around but his heart is in College Station and of course that's fine by me
. We met with the folks in the Dept and he got a student tour and it just fit, he's got a lot of interest in the EnMed program. I will say that when you do tours of the actual facilities and talk to the people in the Departments vs the Admissions folks you can see dramatic differences between schools better than anything. I've found it so much more valuable than doing a regular campus tour. In terms of Engineering though A&M truly is impressive, forget about rankings and all the other mess, they really have it where it counts and for the value it's hard to beat. Probably the only thing I wish they had was a way to qualify out of the ETAM process and having a better Honors program with more benefits.
Georgia's a great school with a strong network, especially in the Southeast. I'd check on it but I believe if you get a deferral it releases you from the Restrictions on early admit at most schools. I'm sure he will be be successful whatever he chooses though, sounds like a great kid!
If your son loves A&M and wants to go into engineering, that's awesome. His class rank will easily get him in - done deal! I would assume there is a lot more scholarship money at A&M than just what's given to National Merit kids. I would definitely look at Georgia Tech, they turn out absolutely amazing engineers. My wife went there for a second degree, and I can tell you that (back in the good old days) when she was looking for work, the GA Tech career center was absolutely amazing in helping her write up her resume, apply, find companies that were hiring, etc. You have to wrap your head around living in Midtown in Atlanta, though, not exactly everyone's "cup of tea". GA Tech also has a very bad reputation for being an absolute grind, but they seem to be trying to move beyond that now.
As far as having a sugar spike on the day that he took the PSAT, that is unfortunate. That being said, however, dealing with IDDM will make for a tremendous Common App essay should he decide to apply elsewhere. When life gives you lemons, make some lemonade.
My son wants to do Poli Sci, likely with a business minor. At this point, he seems fairly intent on wanting to go to law school. He hates urban Atlanta, they don't really focus on Politics, and, frankly, my wife has probably "scared him off" from GA Tech by reliving how hard it was back in the day. UGA is a very good school, and it is getting better all of the time. I will try to dig up the stats the school sent when he was given early admission - I thought they were pretty stout. That being said, he has put a lot of time and effort into his resume and his scores, and if he gets in somewhere that allows him to make lots of connections, I will be willing to foot the bill to go there. Not happy about it - just willing.
Edit: profile of UGA in-state early admissions
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