American Hardwood said:
pollo hermanos said:
Francis Macomber said:
It's become very clear that the "conservative" party would almost universally accept a monarchy if it was their guy in charge.
The real "patriots" around here have the Founding Fathers rolling in their graves.
this is what is so disturbing about the MAGA cult. Conservatives used to be the safe haven for constitutionalists and limited government. Its so far from that now. It is in a lot of ways an understandable reaction to the craziness of the left but it is disturbing nonetheless.
That sentence really doesn't make sense, but if you said the GOP used to be a safe haven for constitutional conservatives, then it might have made more sense. But despite this, I think I get your point.
However, true conservatives have not had an effective majority in a very long time. Not in my lifetime at least and probably long before that. MAGA never claimed to be for the advancement of conservatism, it has been for the advancement of American culture and greatness. This happens to be something conservatives also believe in, so it makes MAGA and conservatism mutually aligned with a common goal. Leftism in all its flavors or aligned with neither. Conservatives understand their position in regards to MAGA and aren't sweating out the details because defeating leftism and ending the Deep State are far more critical issues than fighting over philosophical details.
Some would love to find schisms to exploit between MAGA fan boys and true conservatives and your post smacks exactly of that. Nice try but I'm not taking the bait
Yeah good point conservatives didnt really make sense there. I guess my point is that the MAGA crowd screams "lib" anytime someone criticized trump for things that would have universally been decried by constitutional conservatives even very recently. Even though so many that oppose trump are not "libs" but are conservative and so many that are MAGA are clearly not constitutional conservatives.
That is obviously fine, do what you want to do, but for the MAGA crowd, just please dont ever talk about the constitution, morality, political norms, tradition, limited government, etc again.
When I was in law school, the head of the federalist society straight up told me he would prefer a Christian theocracy. It was very disturbing given it is antithetical to so many of our core values as a country (freedom of religion, freedom of speech, etc). Now he is chief of staff for Ted Cruz.