texagbeliever said:
Look you are in a niche field. But practice some empathy to understand how others would be impacted. Then think how there change of outcome Will impact society. Then ask is that the society you want.
Note empathy =! Sympathy as the left have come to misuse that word.
I spent the majority of my government/public service career either training for or using violence against others. I spent many years in austere and dangerous third world environments. I also grew up poor, so I am very familiar with that lifestyle and pitfalls.
I am not a particularly emotional or empathetic person. I highly value skill, drive, competence, intelligence, and perseverance. I have failed many times in my life and pushed onward. I deeply love and am loyal to my friends and family. That is who I care about. Nobody else.
I want a strict meritocracy and do not want to pay for people that fail, for whatever reason.
The one area where I waiver on this philosophy is access to quality public education. I am willing to pay for that so others can change their circumstances. But you and I know there is only a small subset with the IQ to take advantage of that.
My younger brother went to prison for drug trafficking at 19 and has afterwards opened his own fabrication shop and is now in the top 1%. Both of us come from an uneducated, low income, single parent household and my mom succeeded in going 2 for 2 with her boys. The common denominator: we will do anything, move anywhere, and take whatever risk is necessary to make it. And if we fail we will do it all over again until we succeed.
I am convinced that when people fail that it was because of weaknesses inherent to them. I hear people all the time tell me: I won't do that, that is beneath me. I won't move there. I'd rather have less opportunity here where I like it than move to that shlt hole. Or my favorite, I am afraid of failing. None of that is my problem.