ToddyHill said:
Tell you what…SS can stop paying me today. Just give me a tax credit (not a deduction, but a credit), for what I'll give up from today till the day I die.
Have to do something to alleviate what would amount to the outright theft of $ that some were calculating into their future plans.
One way may be to simply offer no penalties and almost absurdly lenient pay back plans to those in over their heads. As long as some number is met, that's enough. (Something like many apparently do with medical bills -- just paying a fraction but regularly, never the balance) If you can make it all less a burden from the money stolen by the federal government from SS --- maybe you can get rid of the entitlements much faster.
Part of the problem here is most of the policy making class is excessively well-off. They can't even relate to those who might need the SS check they were planning on getting.