Great post. I think all the Mexico City stuff is super off and probably what we know collectively the least about. You probably know more about it than I do. I would also guess that we have actual wiretaps and audio recordings of Oswald in the embassies there so we know what he said and did. I think there are photos and audio recordings of him in Mexico City that have been kept private/redacted. While the spies there at the time are likely all dead, there could be security concerns for their kids.
Also, Oswald knew he didn't have to go to Cuba to go to Russia, because he went via Helsinki when he went there 4 years earlier. It also seemed clear that Russia, Cuba, and the US really wanted nothing to do with him.
On the contrary, I believe you have incredibly fact based knowledge of all this stuff. The Mexico City deal is just complicated in the sense that you have a Mexican versions of things, American versions of things, American version of things collected by the Mexicans, American version which is supposition, and a mixing of all four.
My opinion, based on all that I can read, is that LHO went down there for something. What it was? Who knows and that is the mystery. The official US version is that he went down there to get a visa to transit through Cuba to the USSR, which he didn't need. How did he so easily get down there and have no issues and make no spectacle of himself to the DFS or anyone else really while undertaking actions that had resulted in countless others being detained by the DFS? He also got "extra special" attention at the Embassy and Consulate. How? And why wasn't this a bell ringing, 3 alarm issue to the CIA and DFS?
There were tapes, Scott supposedly had tapes of LHO calls to the Cubans and Russians and purportedly some others that he obtained from the DFS. All were confiscated and disappeared by the CIA immediately, I mean like within 24 hours after Scott's death. What Scott's family relates is another whole conspiracy. Also, Phillip Agee was around and a little involved in all of this.
Given the fact that the Mexican's have come out and said "4 of our last 7 presidents were CIA assets" publicly I can't see the concern being on the Mexican end for any blowback. There have always been rumors and innuendos at the high level of Mexican politics that the CIA has usually been able to compromise high level Mexican government officials to have them do their bidding, much of this was financial. Part of the criticism and internal red flags against Scott were that he was outta hand with the pesos to the Mexicans.
I also think that it is very possible that the whole "double/imposter" thing could be real and that is why there are no photographs of LHO in Mexico. The Cuban and Soviet staff interviewed by the DFS gave varying descriptions of the LHO they met as did some of the Mexican, Spanish speaking only, witnesses to supposed LHO travel. Many described him as blond. The English speaking witnesses are a slight bit too convenient in their stories for my taste.
At the end of all this, if LHO was only a bumbling, socially awkward, shallow dolt why what he did or didn't do in CDMX remains so veiled in secrecy? Also, how can he afford to do all of this travel and such. It cost him at least $95 USD at the time, not counting food, lodging, extras, tips, to supposedly get down and back from New Orleans through Houston, to Laredo, to CDMX and then back to Dallas. And as best recollection all he had was around $200. Possible? I guess, likely I don't think so.
I really appreciate your input into these discussions boss. Your points are well made and well founded.