gkaggie08 said:
I'm not going to question your expertise on the canal since you live there and I e never visited, but I do have a question on your statement.
You say it would be a very bad idea for the US to piss off Panama because they are such a great ally, but then you say they are a country of 4 million people with no military. How big of a stick do they carry in SA diplomatically other than 'we have a canal'?
Panama is small but geographically uniquely important. Both because of the canal and as an optimal choke point and intelligence gathering for drugs and human trafficking flowing from South America through the Darien Gap.
Multiple times over the years while at a local gym, I have seen and briefly visited with special ops guys (SEALS, etc) who came in to work out while in-country for a time. Working with the Panamanians on…whatever
The infrastructure and geographical location and friendly investment regulations has made Panama a premier hub in the region. A lot of Americans have bought real-estate here. And I have been told direct from a current customs & immigration law enforcement guy currently stationed down here his opinion that Panama is our best relationship in Latin America.
I haven't ran into him yet since the Trump's comment but I'll ask him when I can expect U.S. paratroopers to be landing in my neighborhood to get those canal tolls decreased

Anyway's Trump's 'take back control' comment…which is a toothless and empty threat…was pretty 'WTF?' to everyone I have spoken with down here and out of left field.
Panama isn't perfect obviously. It has its share of politician corruption and scandals. But if the U.S. wanted to 'squeeze' Panama as some negotiating ploy I would think some economic related tactic with the actual chance of teeth would make sense. Not some implied military action jab which is again…a toothless threat not taken seriously.
Now if you want to literally unite 100% of Panamanians on a topic, the Canal is of immense national pride. It would be like France president tweeting they were going to take back the Statue of Liberty because the U.S. didn't deserve it anymore or some justification, and imagine the typical American's reaction to that sort of comment would be.
Local news here isn't talking about this anymore and moved on, as I said there were a few protesters the first day of Trump's comment at the U.S. embassy but all quiet since. Xmas Day I was actually over at the Miraflores Locks visitors center and it was packed with U.S. tourists (among other countries) and I overheard a few jokes about Trump's canal bloviating while navigating the crowd but that was it